Friday, August 31, 2007


Angela's Check is $696.00 and she is paying her rent in full of $707.00 today 8/31/07. The manager took of from the $747.00 that she would have had to pay of $40.00 for cable since they turned it off. But the $140.00 that she paid them for last months rent she didn't get any credit for. So now this month rent will be due and she also can't pay what will be next month electric bill if they leave it on it's three month electric bill and that at Georgia Power. The State of Georgia really locked the town down because of me.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Hit the road Jack
Can't get away with it,nomore,nomore ,nomore
Hit the road Jack
You can't get away with it nomore.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


Evictions shouldn't be that all a landlord has to do is get a warrant and have you put out without you proving why you should not be put out. If a landlord wants to put you out and if the police is called or the sheriff than it should be made law that they can only give a citation to appear in court so that your side of the story can be heard. Because to just let them put you out you loose all the written proof that you have against them from them rushing you to get out or from them throwing your things out.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


It has come down to the wire.What they was messing with Attorney Alberto Gonzales for.They thought since they got busted and he fired the lawyers for committing a crime. They would get him out and get them a white Attorney General so that he would work along with them to stop me from getting paid.So once that was in place they was already paying Judges to override this, they thought. And I would never get paid and they would have gotten "AWAY WITH IT" AGAIN,as did Watergate.I had on the web that they had gotten to the new Congress and I was talking about the criminals who had gotten to them.And they would have confirmed a white Attorney General.This was their plot(Busted).Read all that is below this.



This is another story they won't tell. Like I said before that I was causing what is happpening in Washington DC. Why? Because they are breaking the law. The reason why those lawyers was fired is because of the papers that they falsified and made public. I'm sure everyone remembers those papers.Which they stated that "What has happened" ,you the public "can't talk about ever." And that if you haven't recieved your letter yet you will.Now how can they in government seal the mouth of the public we are not government we our they employer. They are public servants to us and instead of working for us they want to control what we know. What else could it have been when after seven years this is still going on untalked about by the media.There was a crime committed and they was fired because of it. But they really got off light because when a lawyer commits a crime there license are revolted. But the big issue here is we have a Hispanic Attorney General Alberto Gonzales that fired white lawyers . It seems that when a person do their job by the law they still end up wrong. You know whitefolks have a saying that if a_NON- WHITE_can take my job it ain't worth having. It was told to me in prison after officers beat me up for refusing to shave. I told the disciplinary person that I can have his job for what he watched them do. And that was his response. When you do the right thing it's wrong. And when you do the wrong thing it's right.(Read October 12, 2005 Entitled Reversing The Law)


started to undermind the President George W.


Bush when I got out of prison because they are the reason I maxed out on bogus illegal papers. And when I sent a certified letter to the President they intercepted it in January of 2004. All because of them seeing what was going on and everything that I was doing. And the letters below are the answers I recieved from Washington DC never getting to the President. And the reason that I am writing about this is to tell why the lawyers got fired. They got fired because of these letters and the letters that they made public to send to the public so that they would keep quiet about what had happened.It takes alot of lawyers to send out all of those many letters. And Attorney Alberto Gonzales was only doing his job by firing them. Because by law for what they had done falsifying legal documents is a crime, they could have had their licenses taken for good. So in reality they got a slap on the wrist. They committed a criminal act and you want the Attorney General's job when he was doing his job. If you can't do your job the way the law requirer you to do your job then that job isn't worth having. We are begining to bow to the devil ,bend our law to fit our life style. And vote who is right based on our nationality. He did what is right and there should be nothing to question about it.
The Letters:
The letters that was sent out to the public was because of them making the mass grave public and they didn't make me public.So they didn't want the public to talk about what had happened. Because the Gov. Roy Barnes had be shown the pictures of the bodys and that is the reason he left office but not before placing an administration hold on me so that I would max out.Giving them time to move the bodies and that is when they closed the prison in 2003. The administration hold is on the OMS that I have. They was trying to keep me from being found out so that Gov. Roy Barnes would be saved.


Definition of Beast:Any foot-footed animal;a brutal man:

Mike Vick,what's all the commotion about?Dog fighting and dogs being killed.How many dogs are being put to sleep each year.I could see if they was on the endangered species list or something,but they are not. This is just another example of them making us look like we are the worstest criminals.But if you would travel with me down memory lane.Who was it that taught us how to raise dogs and chicken to fight during slavery.So that they could make money from it,remember Roots and Chicken George.Now you are trying to make us look as if we are the worstest criminal.I think that it is far past due that you take a better look at yourself.Because as I said before,you are too business dealing with yourself until you can't see yourself.But when they did it, they got away with it.That is there trade mark word "Get away with it".Now the kettle wants to call the pot black again.People are caring more for animals than they do a human being today.They would rather destroy human life and save animal life. The beast is protecting the beast.But that is just a front because they are destroying the very animal life that we eat by useing inventive diseases.I admit that killing any life is wrong.Thou shall not kill.
You know people may look at me as being a black Jim Crow,but it ain't like that. I ain't a hate-en. This is my way of showing love.You know the man probably didn't do the interview on The Tom Joyner Morning Show because there is nothing to say.He has already admitted his guilt and he just want to get on with his life.So he took a plea bargain to get it over with and save the public's money because there is no jury trial once you except a plea bargain and being that the maximum sentence would be five years a plea bargain allows you not to get the maximum sentence. So why is everybody trying to make a big deal out of it.It's not a circus.Katrina is what they should be making a big deal about.This is human life.But it's different when we haven't committed a crime.That's not news to them.But look at how many times Florida has been hit by hurricanes and all the other places that have flooded.Oh,I forgot it's white folks that that happened too.And they put it on the news a few times and you never hear about it again because they got the money to rebuild. Black people they are helping their own and we should do the same and stop depending on them to do for us.They don't owe us nothing and if they do you will never get it unless you make it you self cause the public can't pay for what they have done. We got the money and you know it, lets quit hoarding our wealth and start helping others in need.You know it maybe a good idea that if we are going to put animal before humans than we might as well let the animals have power, they may run things better and do a better job. At lease they wouldn't be a hate-en and it wouldn't be any corruption in government.NOW APE THAT THE TRUTH.

And another thing before I bring this to an end.Let me talk about the role model thing. Take a good look at what we are saying. Mike Vick is just an athlete and we are looking for these people to be role models. I think that we have our priority mixed up.What are the people that make our laws and run this county suppose to be when they are suppose to be the leaders? We put that weight on the wrong shoulders. We are reversing the law.By making wrong right and right wrong.They don't want to abid by the law anymore and they are the law makers. If you do what the law says for you to do when you break the law and not discriminate because of color,species,nationality,religion or how much money you got, I believe than and only than we will have a governmnent that we can say is for the people and by the people and are united to form a more perfect union.

All Mike Vick can do is some positive things regardless of what people may say or think.You got to live for you,you come in the world by yourself and you will surely leave by yourself.Because nobody want you when you are down and out,but everybody comes around when you are on the top.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


In the name of G-D the Beneficent the Merciful

Qur'an: G-D say, He will never change the condition of a people or a place until they first change themself.

The Civil Rights Movement we had to get sick and tried of the way white folks was treating us. Before we would seek change for ourself.And once we changed G-D changed the condition we was in.We must continue to change and look back only to remember.
We are not free yet.We are being paid slave wages and work from paycheck to paycheck.And all the money you make you got to give right back them to pay your bills while the cost of living is constantly rising leaving you nothing to plan for so that you can enjoy yourself.You work all your life generation after generation never having owned anything or been any place other than where you live.While they relax in they big homes or mansions and talk the good life off of your money. You are blind if you can't see slavery in that.And they make us look as if we are the worstest criminal by populating the prisons making the majority us.This is just the new plantation.

Psalm 37:12-20

12.The wicked plots against the rightous
And gnashes at him with his teeth.
13.The Lord laughs at him,
for He sees his day is coming.
14.The wicked have drawn the sword and
bent their bow
To cast down the afflicted and the needy,
To slay those who are upright in conduct.
15. Their sword will enter their own heart,
And their bows will be broken.
16.Better is the little of the righteous
Than the abundance of the wicked.
17.For the arms of the wicked will be broken,
But the Lord sustains the righteous.
18.The Lord knows the days of the blameless,
And their inheritance will be forever.
19. They will not be ashamed in the time of evil,
And in the days of famine they will have abundance.
20.But the wicked will perish;

Well Piccolo had his day or should I say two days. And what makes it so good is that if it was his funeral he would have been late for his own funeral. But it's all good. And you know that out of all the people that know him only a few attended at the park. Now I know that alot of them would use the weather as a factor for not being there. But that truth only lies with them.And if I had known what was going to be going on I would have been better prepared to speak about it. But it good to know how people really feel about you while you are alive.And not see how they front and attend your funeral just to see how you was put away.People wait to talk about your good works after you are dead. They don't tell you while you are alive,or should I say before your face.How sincere is that? Piccolo is a poor man but he didn't let that or him not being educated stand in his way of being apart of something that brought change for others.President Lincoln wasn't educated either he was self taught.But Piccolo was there when the educated ones wasn't.And as for him begging no one ever knew what he did with the money at that time. Maybe he used it to have when he went on the marches. Now do that make you feel sorry that you gave.

Richness and Poorness is not measured by how much money you have,but by how much knowledge you possess. Who is richer one who has book knowledge or one who has G-d given knowledge?(command sense)

He marched for equal education while he himself wasn't educated.So that we could get new books and a better education as do whites.And new books to use rather the hand me down we was using.
Piccolo is more important than those who think that they are important. Because what he has done is a historical event.The Civil Rights Movement was not alot of wealthy people or educated people,No. It was about the poor and uneducated,they was the ones marching and being spat on put water on beaten and jailed.We are beginning to let white folks manipulate our minds. And we are hating against ourself.We have come to far and struggled to long to start going backwards.This is what they portray as ignorance,this is Niggar.I never could understand why people went to a wake when the dead was trying to rest in place. Don't give me a wake, give me my flowers while I am alive so that I can smell them. Because when you come to my wake I want to be sitting up with you.

Surah 4:171
171.O people of the Book!
Commit no excesses in religion:
Nor say of G-D aught but the truth.
Christ Jesus the son of Mary was(no more than)
A Messenger of G-D,
And His Word, which He bestowed on Mary,
And a Spirit proceeding from Him:
So believe in G-D and His Messengers.
Say not "Trinity": desist:
It will be better for you:
For G-D is One G-D:
(Far Exalted is He) above having a son.
To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth.
And enough is G-D as a Disposer of affairs.

Which of these verse would you believe? The New American Standard Bible or The King James version of the same verse?

The New American Standard Bible

Luke 1:34-35
34.Mary said to the angel,"How can this be,
since I am a virgin?"
35.The angel answered and said to her,"The Holy Spirit
will come apon you, and the power of the Most High will over shadow you;
and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of G-D.

The King James version

Luke 1:34-35

34.Then said mary unto the angel, How shall this be,
seeing I know not a man?
35.And the angel answered and said unto her,
The holy Grost shall come upon thee,and the power
of the Highest shall overshadow thee;
therefore also that holy thing which shall
be born of thee shall be called the Son of G-D.

You have been deceived.

Okay now I'll add this in so that you will know that what I said about Angela's check is going to happen. She called Social security and they said that the check that is coming on the 31th of August is her regular monthly check.So where is the reinbursement for the checks that they kept June and July 2007.WHICH CAUSED HER RENT TO BE AS IT IS NOW.And now they still trying to raise it so that she pays more.

Tentant Ledger
Angela Chaderton
609 Abercorn Savannah
Duke Properties,Inc.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Acct Description Check# Charge Payment Bal.
07/01/2007 4030 Cable $40.00 $0.00 $40.00
07/01/2007 4000 July Rent/Lease Income $140.00 $0.00 $180.00
07/05/2007 4000 Delinquent Payment $497.00 $0.00 $677.00
08/01/2007 4030 August Cable $ 40.00 $0.00 $717.00
08/01/2007 4000 August Rent/Lease Income $140.00 $0.00 $857.00
08/06/2007 1000 Payment from Chaderton, Angela $0.00 $140.00 $717.00
$ 140.00 applied to Delinquent Payment(07/05/2007---Acct 4000)
08/07/2007 1000 Late Charge Income $30.00 $0.00 $747.00
Total: $887.00 $140.00 $747.00

Than I when to housing and they called her and she the manager of Chatham Apartment on Abercorn, Maragret to $ 707.00.This is still all of her monthly check and she got to borrow money to pay it leaving not for her medicine.And now these criminal are messing with me with these systems from Garden City Georgia.Maybe from Coastal Correction Prison

Saturday, August 25, 2007







Muggies are becoming very popular ,even celebrities has them today.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


How can you downsize a government or corporation when it is set up that way with security in mind?In government one department oversees the other. This is how they keep from being infiltrated and the same goes for corporation. That is what was happening to big corporations.And as for governments they can't downsize because the State, County or Country is not getting any smaller.So how can they?And to privatize government businesses is how they get infiltrated.Once you close one department you remove the security of another.There is no standards for private owned businesses. Coffee County is an example. They did just what they wanted to do to State inmates maxing them out and all.That is why I found out about The Correctional Corporation of America because the old history books of State and United States governmnet are placed in the prison so the history of CCA I found in Georgia Government history book in Coffee County Prison. And I also read about the United States Government in their history book. And wrote and essay on the draft in which I scored a 2, 1 is the highest and I was told that they don't give you that because no essay is perfect.Watergate dowsizing was in the process and the gate was opened.

The State of Georgia got messed up because of the frame that they covered up about in the Wren Williams case The Altanta Child Murders.They wouldn't tell what really happened because it was white folks who had done it and they in the State was haters. But they didn't no who they was covering for.It was the CIA The Watergate people. So the criminal saw that these haters would do that so they got Atlanta to let them open the private prisons.Since they knew what they could do once they got that. So they started doing things in that prison and killed inmates so that the State couldn't do anything to them for what they did. Cause now they got the Wren Williams case and the inmates over their head if they told.And that is the same thing that would happen to the City Of Savannah if they keep covering up because they have the Jennifer Ross case that was covered up. Now if someone comes up miss that was sent to the Professional Corrections Services by the City of Savannah they will be held responsible because they sent them there, they are ungoverned.It will be the same as Coffee County Prison because they didn't report it so the criminal will have more to hold over their head.They didn't know that they was dealing with CIA The Watergate people that wasn't found out at that time. And they built the dungeon to become their home and hide-out.And once they cover that they will take over the governmnet of Savannah as they did Atlanta.

And the new thing now is that they think that they can override rulings of higher courts and the decisions of bigger governments. And it's only the haters that has gotten in government that try to do this.Look at the O.J. Simpson case the big courts found him innocent the public see him as guilty. All because white folks want him to be and because of the white people that was killed. Now how can Civil Court make you pay for wrongful death when you was found innocent.And evidence proved he didn't do it.But prejudice want to say he did. And the woman down in Florida when the federal government made a decision and the wanted Altanta to change it. What's really going on?The Civil Rights Bill eliminated hatred out of government. That is what destroyed Governor George Wallace.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Now you would have never guested that they would talk about Piccolo like this. They really are hating blacks in Savannah WAKE-Up.Go to and put in the search John Saxon Pierce. And when you find it there put his name in google search and see what else they have about him.Now you see why they doing what they are doing to me because they are all apart of it.And just don't want blacks to have any money or recognition. I'm still without money.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


All across Georgia the State of Georgia is privatizing probation offices. This one here in Savannah called Professional Corrections Services, Inc. is located at 101 N. Fahm Street. Why is it there and why is people that get probate from Recorders Court being sent there by the court when they the City of Savannah has there own probation office located on Abercorn next to Chatham Apartment? They really don't need the SPLOST Tax when they are giving private companys the money. Recorders Court is the City of Savannah Court. Angela was sent to then rather than the one on Abercorn. And she had a fine of $750.00 to pay plus court cost that was waived by the court.But when she went to this probation office they told her that she got to pay $50.00 fine and $576.00 for the probation fee.And how this work from what they have on paper is that $48.00 is to be paid every month to cover Professional Corrections Services for a trem of Twelve months and $10.00 a month to cover the $50.00 for Records Court Of Chatham County. So why is the State trying to get what the City has waived claiming that this is to pay the probation people that are not even law enforcement people which they are suppose to be. The probation fee is only $10.00 a month. And that is State as well.Embezzlement being done by the State of Georgia.And they got these place all across Georgia, search google using Professional Correctional Services,Inc.


Monday, August 20, 2007







SATURDAY-AUGUST 25,2007-1:00-5:00 P.M.



SUNDAY-AUGUST 26,2007-11:00 A.M.




Sponsored By





On July 10, 1935 a solder was born, John Saxon Pierce. In his ladder years old folks gave him the name "Piccolo" because, he said, "Old folks always give you a nickname."Everyone in Savannah seems to know "Piccolo" (although many who see him everyday are not aware of his significants role in the Civil Rights Movement).
Some just look at him as a poor black man in front of the courthouse begging for some change. No one ever knew the significance of the money. It was just a conversation piece, a reason to start reminiscing.

He grew up poor and educated on the streets. Yet he had more knowledge than most highly educated folks. He marched with Dr. Martin Luther King.He stood by the side of prominent people such as;Hosea Williams, Bobby Hill,Prince Jackson,Benjamin Van Clark, WW Law,Walter Simmons, Harris Odell,Robbie Robinson, Joseph Murry Rivers,Frank G. Murry, Terry Tolbert and James Holmes and the list goes on. He received numerous awards and recognitions.He received the key to the city of Savannah. Proclamation was issued on______by______ declaring Aug. 23rd as " Piccolo Day." He also received a plaque from the "African Monument Association" on 2/23/1999.

John Saxon Pierce "Piccolo" became a foot soldier at an early age. In his 30's he marched with Hosea Williams,a fury lieutenant of Kings, in the 1965 "Bloody Sunday" march in Selma, Ala. He was marching one cold morning when the police attacked them with tear gas and sticks. They put him in jail, all of them, but when they got out they marched again. Jesse Jackson operated the breadbasket.Governor Wallace said they couldn't come in. They shot tear gas at them while they marched and sang.

Piccolo also marched on Park Avenue. The preacher wouldn't let them march on God's church. The Chief of Police, Sidney Barnes, told him to get out of the street. he again went to jail along with Bobby Hill and Hosea Williams. Piccolo spent 55 days in jail. When he got out, he marched again. He has been arrested over 50 times for his participation in the Civil Rights demonstrations.

They spat in his face; he's been beaten with batons,tear-gased and jailed. He saw a woman get her brains beaten out of her. He went to bed scared and woke up the next morning scared. Yet he never got killed. Each time, as he always said, "God brought him back". And each time again the soldier marched.

Age and the toils of marching have caught up with Piccolo. He now rest at home.He sits on the porch waiting to tell his stories to passers-by. He prayed and lived his life,never regretting a moment.He still sings the lyrics of his favorite song "O "Unsung Hero". We'll just call him "Memorable".

Jasalfa says, That I know Piccolo since I was a kid growing up and was told about him as a kid.And one thing that I know most about him is that there is no one in Savannah that don't know his name. I salute the Man.


Now I have given her everything she needs to leave Angela Chaderton alone until her money comes. she has proof of when it will come and been told ever since Angela got the letter. And she was also given a copy at that time. now she wants to harass her because someone told her that she was in jail or she knows about the web.Here it the letter that she just give her and Angela has talked to her herself.

Chatham Apartments
609 Abercorn street
Savannah, Ga 31401

August 20, 2007

Angela Chaderton

Dear Ms. Chaderton:

Please come to the ofice as soon as possible. I need to discuss an important matter with you.

Thank You,
Margaret Hillis

Property manager

And this is the letter from Social Security.They are making it look like she is being reimbruised because all of the checks will come on the 31th of August and there will be no extra check for the one they keep of hers for no reason.This is just going to be her regular check for the month and she is paying $747.00 in full at that time leaving her with nothing to pay the rent for the month of September which also she will have no money to pay her light bill.So now they have deliberatly cause another problem plus trying to use her arrest to put her out. Why is the public let a criminal government like Atlanta stand .I guest if they start messing with you ,than you would want something done. What goes around comes right back around.

Social Security Administration

Angela R. Chaderton
609 Abercorn St
Savannah, Ga 31401

The State of Georgia will pay your medicare medical insurance premium begining July 2007.

What We Will Pay And When

You will receive $187.00 around August 17, 2007
This is the money due you for the medicare insurce premiums that you already paid.
You will receive $696.00 for august around August 31,2007
After that you will receive $696.00 on or about the thrid of each month.


Thursday, August 16, 2007








I went to court with her today and they give her 12 months probation. The judge did it on record that there is limited information on her. The reason is all my friends and family records are all limited. And she is a long time friend because I knew brothers for over 30 years and she have three. Probation is not on record and because of that is why they get away with it. There is no honoring people who has no record probation is all they can give you look at Hollywood.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Now I didn't tell what they tried to do to get me to pay rent where I live,but now I will because they have struck again.Now if you would read what I was telling them about Cobra they wouldn't have been so stupid.Just read below it been there on this web blog since April 1,2005. Anyway they have used the key machine again just like I had told you is the way the framed O.J. Simpson. They went into my room using somebody from the backside of the building that had just moved in to go into my room and replace my lease with papers that didn't state that it was in the lease that they paid my whole rent if there is no income.The thing is they didn't know what the place is all about.It has twenty-four hour on site security because it is also used for protective custody.The government uses any place it wants for that.So it was in my lease that they would pay the full rent because it's in everybody lease that live there,so why would mine be different.And now they have done the same thing by using the key machine and going into Angela Chaderton's apartment to remove a prison ID just so ,At least they thought that I wouldn't be able to prove that she don't have a parole hold on her. Because the thought that the prison ID had a Inmate number on it ,but they use your security number as your number for the woman. So I went to the parole office next door and asked them if there was a hold on her and they called the jail and there isn't so they are some criminal in that jail working with these criminals. Cause the parole office said someone give me some bogus information.Her time was up three years ago. Now people beware and get you an alarm placed on your doors and a chain lock at night when you are at home because they can get into your home when you are not there and place or remove things to frame you.Now the only way they would know about her prison ID is because they see through my eyes. But what they didn't know is that the United States government in Washington see also because I sent the President George W. Bush a using my system so that Presidents could never be messed with again. And they proved they had it when the President went out on the front lawn of the White House and shook hands with the public while Secert Service stood back and also flew AirForce One and landed it in Iraq without lights.That what it can do as well.Now here is what is going on with the key machine. You know they was in just about ever magazine advertising that "you can be a locksmith."You didn't need a license to get these machine anyone could purchase them. Well once they got them they would go to you house or business and take a blank key put it in your lock tip on it with a hammer a they get the pindleline in print on the blank all needed is to use the machine and you have a key to that lock. Beware don't take this lightly .It almost set O.J. up.



Cobra, the investigation computer is what is giving me the information that I have been given out.To find out about my story it must be typed into that computer.What I have been saying about a system being on me is Cobra.It was on the news in Atlanta doing the time I was serving time at Phillips State Prison.And have been investigating this since September 2002.I have found out that alot of people are a victim of the CIA.Because of the illegal operation they have been running from underneath Coffee County Prison. Micheal Jackson is a part of there plot to mess with people lives.O.J. Simpson is also a victim because the way that the killers gain entrance to his wife home is by using a key machine and made a key to her home.The Crematory in Atlanta,even Wren Williams are all victims of the key machine.That is how they framed these people to where no one could prove it without them knowing what was going on.
Abernathy is a victim, Mohammad and the kid, Roy Allen,Al-Amin, the black sheriff of Atlanta accused of killing his running mate. What would he gain by that it don't guarantee him the election,there was criminal in the justice system as well. All because of this secret and illegal operation of the CIA.The President of the United States was conspired against cause they were trying to cause a conspiracy against him because of what was going on with me.Not knowing that I had already reach the President George W. Bush January 12, 2002.All my letters to him after that I don't know if any other one made it to him.Everything that was going on was to cause a conspiracy against the President.Cobra the investigation computer in one of my inventions.


See Obama across America


SPLOST -MEANS Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax

The Special Option is that they can hire outside contractor to do their work.

How is that benefiting the City of Savannah taxpayers? By making them pay more money so that the City Of Savannah can contract outside contractor to do the work of the city. Like laying new drainage pipes and other type work.What is the problem? It is costing the taxpayers more money because it cost more to get outside contractor then it would if the city did it themself. What is the telling the people of the City Of Savannah?It is saying that they don't have the people who are experienced enough to do the work themself. So they use these outside contractor which use Mexicans as labors while they have there trucks park there to oversee.Just watch the work going on in the city,see for yourself.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Rappers Wake-up

Can't you see,What you are doing to self

Long as it's Close To Home snitching will go on

Quit messin with your own

We're not the enemy

We also live in poverty

Years ago they was callin you a Bugg

Now today they call you a Thugg

You're Just a Thugg Bugg

Going back to the SugarHill

They don't rapp about the kill

It was a Rapper's Delight

That made people party all night

You need to take lessons from the past

No need tellin people about your ass

Been There,Done That, No need to continue to do

You lift me up and the favor is returned on you

Uplift,use don't abuse your gift

Negativity,Ignoramacy,(Ramasey) has been holding us back too long

We need to rapp or sing motivational songs

Talkin that Thugg ain't showin no luv

Thugg Bugg

Do you see yourself

You have succeeded

Time to help someone else

Rappers Wake- Up The SugarHill Gang Rapper's Delight

Friday, August 10, 2007


It's getting to be something new that they do just to keep this going. Now they have started paying to have these systems made just to come around me and mess with people I associate with. They have locked up Angela Chaderton and she has been in jail on a misdemeanor for three weeks now. When she first got there I went to see her and I was told by her that they hadn't given her ,her medicine that she must have for her mental health. So I took a list of what she took to the Major John T. Wilcher and he said that they will get if not all some of her meds. And when I had called to try and get her out on bond they told me over the phone that I couldn't get her out even if I paid the bond because she had a parole hold on her. So I went out there and talked to the Major John T. Wilcher and he went and got her paper record which revealed that there is no parole or any other hold on her.But when I went there today to see her she told me that a officer told her that in the computer only there is this hold and that is only in the jail's computer it would keep her from getting out even if the courts turn her loose because it's in their computer.They already have me son locked up under false pretence and now they are trying to do the same to me, just because they can't get me locked up. It is intelligence that is around me with these system that they have paid to have made and is causing all the things that are going on.And they think they can't be found out because of who they are and the money they have. It is abuse of power.

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Because of what I put on the web about what the web blogspot is about,they have done just what I said they would do.The public has now sided with the criminals to try and under mind the President and keep my life like this when it don't cost the public nothing.My inventions and businesses idea is what get me paid.So you see no matter what, whitefolk don't want blacks to have anything are own anything even if it's their own. We have had alot of entertainer that have worked all their life, but when they died they died broke.Why is that? It seems highly impossible.They even talk about Oprah because of the good she do they hate that because they wouldn't do it. But there are still those that have money let's watch and see how many of them die broke.We need a government that can bring trust back amount its people. When the government can't be trusted the people become untrustworthy.So now it is just up to President George W. Bush because the ones that have the investigation computer can't be trusted.The President went around the world to let this be known that I was violated you can't stop it because it is the law.But I guess when you are white the law don't apply to you.Must be the color of skin. Now they are being know as untrustworthy around the world.They destroyed themself because of selfishness.


The purpose for this blogspot of mine is so that the public can investigate with the investigation computer. I said it before but maybe you wasn't paying attention.They made the investigation computer public when I was in prison at Phillips State Prison and President George W. Bush had come to Atlanta.Then when I got out and came to Savannah they made it public on Sonny and Jody Morning Show that Crime Stoppers had the investigation computer and President Bush came here when I got out. Crime Stoppers are the public and what I put on this blogspot is being investigated by them.And Blogger was on the President's campaign trail during his reelection because of what is said in the June 2004 blogspot when I first started it because I told them to contact the President because the government was under siege. So everything that you have been doing to me or anyone else that I put on this blogspot is being investigated.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007


Now they are doing just what I said they would do. Housing got this website and has been told about Angela Chaderton's check but that woman is new at Chatham Apartment and they are trying to cause me to do something to somebody just because I handle Angela affairs and they have it on record that she approved it.They know because they are around me and the system see through my eyes they see everybody I'm with and everything I do. So they can't do nothing to me and they just keep on push to see what it will take to make me break.The problem is that if they cause me to hurt someone there is no court in the world that can prosecute me.I have as I said before Diplomatic Amenity.There is nothing they can do to me but leave me alone cause the life you save maybe your own.

Now this is what they have given to her today.

Chatham Apartment
609 Abercorn Street
Savannah, Ga 31401





Dear A.Chaderton

As of 8/7/07 you have a balance due of $717 which includes a late charge of

----------------.If you do not pay the total balance due by 8/15/07 we will begin eviction proceedings.If evicted,you will lose your subsidy through the Housing Authority.

I will appreciate your prompt resolution of this matter. If you have any questions or wish to discuss this matter further you are welcome to call or stop by the office.

Property Manger

I have told her and have given her $140.00 she has been contacted by the criminals and they are using her to make me angry.Because she didn't put on this letter what the late change is. That is extortion

Monday, August 06, 2007


Government commit crimes against the public and media can't talk.It is as if we are being told when and what we can and can not do when we are the ones that pay their salary.Like I had said in the beginning about the State of Georgia killing inmates and employees at Coffee County Prison. I told you that they give me the name of Leslie Anderson EA 417327 which her name was wrong but the number is right except it's not a EA number but a DC number. And her name is not Leslie Anderson but Olivia Scott DC 4173227 and her record is inactive proving she is can find it on the DOC offenders Query website.Now all that has been done against me and I working when I am disable and the State of Georgia been stopped me from getting a lawyer.And has also refused me medical insurance.But let me kill someone as they have killed many innocent people but still we are affaid to speak out against them. Then you are a prisoner of your government.It is to much that I have written about and it's all true but because white folks are in power they are ashamed that they have been found out to be liars murders and that they got to pay a black man so much money until they didn't want blacks to have power so the white have all come together to fight the law.Then this county will fall like Babylon.London bridge has all ready fallen.They are not protecting be so they can stop using that lie.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Sometime ago I spoke of some kids that was getting water from the place next to them.Because of there mother's check may have been stopped or she may not have a good job.Well because of all the rain we have had those same people house has been flooded with water to the point that they had to take all of there furniture out and throw what little they had away even the rug and she has three kids.They live on the same street that I do,they are my next door neighbors.This is the address that they live 665 East Duffy Street. Black people don't complain no matter how hard it may get for them. But those that have it all complain about everything.Now that I told you this story let's us all see what kind of people that you really are and see if you are going to give them help.They are now homeless ,but they got a roof over their head and that's all they do have.


It's hard living life as it is,and to have government mess with your life just because they don't want to be found out to be criminals and is afraid of doing time is another thing.Now they know that I have Told housing and Chatham Apartment manager Margaret Hillis about why Angela Chaderton wasn't paying her rent. It's because they the government kept two of her disability check for June and July of this year. And ever since that she haven't gotten her full amount of her check yet.And than her apartment was inspected and the inspected disapproved it twice and she was told not to pay any rent until it got approve. And now the inspector denies saying that and they want her to pay a total of $677.00 all dated for one month 7/01/2007.

Printed:7/13/2007 10:23:44 AM

Tenant Ledger
609 Abercorn Savannah
(Unit ID: )
Duke Properties, Inc.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Acct Description Check# Charges Payments Bal.
07/01/2007 4030 Cable $40.00 $0.00 $40.00
07/01/2007 4000 July Rent/Lease Income $140.00 $0.00$180.00
07/05/2007 4000 Delinquent Payment $497.00 $0.00$677.00
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $677.00 $0.00$677.00
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I have given her $140.00 for this month and that is all she was to pay cause it's not her fault.

Now I haven't seen my son since 2005 when they locked him up and I put him on the web.I went to the
and put in has DC#0000965854 Jamal saleen Brightwell and it said that he has 18 months to serve from 09/10/2005 and his max out date is 10/05/2008 that is 3 years .Why is he not out? They are using him because they can't get to me. The State of Georgia is still taking money to keep that prison quiet.They think that if they keep him they will not pay me until they let him go. He is not the one violated I am he is violated because of me because of second dairy victim.Since the governement allowed them to max me out without a record and did nothing,he has no record either it was put back.

Thursday, August 02, 2007


Housing has sent me a letter effective 9/1/07 that I must pay $50.00 a month.The reason I'm not paying rent in the frist place is because it's in my orginal lease that if you don't have an income they will pay the full rent.This is the reason they are causing crime of robbery in this town.They have spotted people check and is forcing them to do crime just to live.Somebody better talk to this women before I kill her,enough is enough.I will walk into her office and kill her. Therse Leonard.

Section /8 HUD

Hud is now charging me 0 rent because I can't get a lawyer to sue for my disablity and I can't work.
Housing Authority of Savannah
W.Thomas Chamerlain H.A.P. Inspector
(912)235-5813 Ext.224




The big hidden secret is in Coffee County Prison.This is the reason that the State of Georgia allowed that dungeon to be built there.Because for forty years they have been hiding some people that are listed as dead. They never had a record because they was never to be known of.The are the people that Jim Crow talked about in the 60's that was all born with tails.So the State of Georgia found out that I knew about them when I wrote the letter Deceived and give it to the monitor at D-Ray James Prison. In which at that time they had tried to make me a level three mental patient.Which didn't work because they had already tried to make me a mental patient at Coffee County Prison when I told them I saw a hologram and what I saw in it.And Augusta State Medical Prison Hospital remembered me and knew that something was going on because they had evaluated me as not a mental patient.So the second time they tried it they wouldn't send me back to the private prisons. Because these are the people that are the mutants which I spoke of in that letter in what appear to be costumes.And that I had also said that they was experimenting with human life.And the reason they was trying to make me a mental patient so that when I told my story no one would believe a word I said because they made the Doctor's evaluation make me look as if I was an idiot.And they just wanted to keep me hidden until they could figure out away to silence me.So they wouldn't let anyone talk to me so that no one would know what I had to say and kept me as homeless because when something happens to a homeless person it's not reported unless someone knows them and complains.And that is why they was slandering me and tried to turn my family against me as well.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007



People have a misconception about homeless people.They think that everyone that is homeless is homeless because they want to be. Or are just lazy and don't want to work or find them a job. That conception is untrue. There are a number of reasons why people are homeless and it's nothing that they did that cause this to happen to them which has put them in that condition.Governments are part of the problem as well.Because they sit behind a desk and only see you as a healthy physical being not knowing are caring about your health at all. Because they see the outer body as being healthy,but inside you maybe dying.And if you don't have the education to explain yourself you have to do without until you can get a lawyer to help you.And what makes it so bad is that when you win they make you pay the lawyer when it should be them who should have to pay the lawyer because you was found to be right and they was the ones that was wrong.People become homeless because of natural disasters.Look at Katrina, people became homeless that was rich people but money can't help you if you can't get to it or all the power goes out.Fire is another reason why people are homeless especial when you have given your all to try and live the American Dream and it all goes up in smoke.And it took most of your life to get what you had.You find it hard to start all over again.So you maybe bless to have what you have but the next time you see a homeless person don't look down on them cause it can easy happen to you are someone you know.


DNA is to easy to obtain. Reason is that it is so easy because everyone of us discard it without our knowledge of the harm we could be doing to ourselves.We discard tooth brushes, band aids, cotton and other personal things with our DNA on it.There is no way to protect ourself from preventing the criminals from getting their hand on it and framing anyone of us. So it shouldn't be permissible in a court of law.There is nothing to stop people who are in prison from being framed when they take a DNA test of everyone that enter the prison system across the country. Doctors have it when they stick anything into your mouth or get blood samples even blood banks can do it. This is just important to us as our ID. And we dicard it as if it was just paper.So not trying to promote my system but as I called it ,The Truth Finder I invented to take the place of the lie detector.Because it is 99.9 percent accurate.It up to you which would you rather take a chance on being framed or the truth.