I go around town and all I can hear is somebody talking about.Do you think that Barack Obama can be President of the United States?And I wonder in my mind,why is that such a question?He's a man with the same kind of education as any white man.He is doing the same job as any white man or woman is doing in Congress.And he has just as much experience as anybody else in government that is running.But it seens that the only thing that stands in between him and the presidency is he doesn't have is the color of the european skin,he's not a white man.I go on all of the websites above and they stop me from talking like this about them.I was writing this on Blackplanet and they made the computer just go dead so that I wouldn't publish it and lose what I had been writing.They have control of all the black websites so that they can know what we are talking about. And what ideas we may have so that they can steal them.They no longer have any ideas of their own so they steal our ideas and make them theirs.All the time that I have be writing they are useing what I write somewhere else like the movies.That is the reason why they want me to right because I come up with good ideas and they can steal them as long as I'm not public.You know back in the past when we wasn't allowed to gather because they thought that when we did so we would be plotting against them.So now they use the black websites to find out what we are up too.They want us to believe that we are incapable of doing anything.So they put drugs,alcohol and guns into our neigborhood and make us look as if a criminal is all that a black person can be.Don't forget the white man that came on TV and said,"Black people need to abort their kids because they are the wrost criminals.They make your life hard and force you to do crime just to survive and because they have so much to play with in government nobody knows what is going on and can't prove it,so we suffer for their crime..All because they have power.Listen to the News it seens that no matter what kind of crime a black person do today,they predict a life sentence nothing less, prejudgement."Guilty by prejurdice,innocent by law."One man,Myself, has caused a nation to hate and they are hating without ever talking to me.The criminals was telling lies against me saying that I was working for them at that prison and I got arrested for a crime and since I knew what was going on there I told about it all trying to get out.When I never knew any of those people at that prison and the only reason I ever was there was because I was sentence there.And I never worked for them or knew anything about what was going on in that prison until they told me.They had messed up the prison so bad until they needed someone to write about it to get it busted.And I asked them why don't they do it themself? And they said, they was afraid too.So I guess they used me while they tried to get away.The American people want a change and whitefolks can't provide that change for them because they are to arrogant.They never want to admit when the are worry.That is the reason they call President George W.Bush a lame duck.Because he admitted that they was wrong and apologzied for don't want to apologize to no black people."Blacks need to wake-up and start reading whitefolks." We have been loyal to them for a long time and it has done us no good.Some of our parents have worked in their home even after slavery and still do today cleaning their home,ironing, washing their clothes,taking care of their kids while they are busy with their career.Call us Nanny, Defintion of a Nanny,1.A woman who is custodian of children.2. female goat.And we even cook for them.You know if you really want some good food all you got to do is see who's working in the kitchen and nine out of ten times it's us.And that restaurant stays full.And the NAACP needs to check it's self because the people that are suppose to be the spokeman are looking like sell-outs.They are taking the side of the whitefolks. And when a white man say that a black man did something, blacks agree with the white man.That is like them putting a gun in your hands and telling you to shoot yourself.It time we read whitefolks.Look what they have done to the planet and they got us brainwashing ourselves saying,"it ain't time for us to be President of the United States of America.We got to take advantage of the opportunity when opportunity knocks.We may never get another chance at it if they continue to destroy the planet.
lol, the white man made his computer go dead so he couldn't post his 'truths' on black planet.
Why don't you go get a fuckin job instead of spending all day preaching about the white man trying to keep you down.
its too bad white folks done what they did 2 u.
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