They think that I am their trophy that they are hiding.
They have stopped Angela Chaderton Social Sercurity Check claiming that she is in prison and she is not.That is the reason why they have locked up my friend and my two sons.They are falsifying their records to keep them in prison for the rest of their life.Angela was in jail for 52 days on probation violation and all of the probation was taken of of her.But they tried to falisfy her record because her
the jail had told me that she had a shoplifting charge on her record which her lawyer found out was a lie.So now she got to get proof that she is in the street before she can get her check.They wouldn't have known about her if they didn't have this system on me that see through my eyes.Now this is costing her to have to pay a late charge on her rent as was before when she had to pay almost eight hundred dollar as soon as she get her check the last time. And her light may get turned off along with my phone because she pays for it to stay on (912-323-7257) that is my phone number.All of this is going on and no one is saying nothing about it.They have proven as I said before that they are tried of their power.
Oh no, the government is withholding her social security check? What a travesty that the government isn't indirectly supporting you (through her) so you can stand on the street with a stupid cardboard sign and do nothing but bitch on the tax payer's nickel. You probably never even had a job that paid into social security.
I support the government giving a leg up to the poorest in our country - I believe a country is best judged by it's poorest people... but you shouldn't get a dime. You are the epitome of why middle America doesn't support universal government-subsidized healthcare. You are a parasite.
I hope the white man "make yo computer go dead"
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