
White America is so greedy until they think that they are the only ones who should have money and power.Now what sense did it make after I wrote President Bush that he would put a Trillion Dollar check in Bank Of America in Atlanta and never say a word to me on how to get my money. And send my computer to Coffee county Prison so that I wouldn't have that either.White are the ones that like fame and like to be in front of cameras.I didn't care if what I don't in life never get known of.Because I don't live to be praised by man.All praise is due to G-D.Now they have been doing this undercover stuff for too long and breaking the law without telling me anything even though I have two green cards from certifed letters I sent to The President George W.Bush.And it's got all of my people life messed up everybody is catching hell.And they still locked up my other son regardless of what I'm saying his name is Lloyd Brightwell.They are trying to make me believe that it's nothing going to happen and I am wasting my time writting cause they are in power.But I can't stop when this is nothing but mental torment when I have been told that I can't get anthing unless I pay cash for it because my social sercurity number did'nt register in the federal governmnet only the State of Georgia is trying to make me believe that it works. Go put in into the federal government wedsite,265-84-5579.Because while no one is working they play with the little money that they do get while I don't get any waiting on something to die.While they constantly raise the utility bill.The only way that they are going to solve the problem in government is to turn over government to black people.They don't have power anymore are the money anymore.Gates is not the richest man in the world any more.Google the richest people in the world see for yourself.The Bell Phone Company is gone and CIA was dismantled. Rockefeller is nolonger in power and they did it all to themself.So what else can it be that is stopping me from getting paid than the election.They can't blame nobody else for what they have done.Because what happened to them is because of what happened in Coffee County Prison.Now they want to keep my life on hold because this is an election year.The law don't take a day off just because of the Sheriff had to be elected.They have been having me renew my foodstands outside of the government at 711 East Board Street,my case worker name is Mr.Brisbane which never ask question on nothing.Everything is just given to me no question ask same with housing.And that is all I get no money so that means this is an EARMARK,Your tax dollars illegally at work.This county talks about democracy but don't practice it.We dictate to other counties.I was put into protective costody at Phillips State Prison after I wrote to the President in 2002.And when I got out I was put in protective custody at SRO where I live now. Because of this system that they have on me they undermind everything I do to get money. I wrote to the Montel Show for a Satellite laptop and I haven't heard from him yet.
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