In the name of G-D the Beneficent the Merciful
Qur'an: G-D say, He will never change the condition of a people or a place until they first change themself.
The Civil Rights Movement we had to get sick and tried of the way white folks was treating us. Before we would seek change for ourself.And once we changed G-D changed the condition we was in.We must continue to change and look back only to remember.
We are not free yet.We are being paid slave wages and work from paycheck to paycheck.And all the money you make you got to give right back them to pay your bills while the cost of living is constantly rising leaving you nothing to plan for so that you can enjoy yourself.You work all your life generation after generation never having owned anything or been any place other than where you live.While they relax in they big homes or mansions and talk the good life off of your money. You are blind if you can't see slavery in that.And they make us look as if we are the worstest criminal by populating the prisons making the majority us.This is just the new plantation.
Psalm 37:12-20
12.The wicked plots against the rightous
And gnashes at him with his teeth.
13.The Lord laughs at him,
for He sees his day is coming.
14.The wicked have drawn the sword and
bent their bow
To cast down the afflicted and the needy,
To slay those who are upright in conduct.
15. Their sword will enter their own heart,
And their bows will be broken.
16.Better is the little of the righteous
Than the abundance of the wicked.
17.For the arms of the wicked will be broken,
But the Lord sustains the righteous.
18.The Lord knows the days of the blameless,
And their inheritance will be forever.
19. They will not be ashamed in the time of evil,
And in the days of famine they will have abundance.
20.But the wicked will perish;
Well Piccolo had his day or should I say two days. And what makes it so good is that if it was his funeral he would have been late for his own funeral. But it's all good. And you know that out of all the people that know him only a few attended at the park. Now I know that alot of them would use the weather as a factor for not being there. But that truth only lies with them.And if I had known what was going to be going on I would have been better prepared to speak about it. But it good to know how people really feel about you while you are alive.And not see how they front and attend your funeral just to see how you was put away.People wait to talk about your good works after you are dead. They don't tell you while you are alive,or should I say before your face.How sincere is that? Piccolo is a poor man but he didn't let that or him not being educated stand in his way of being apart of something that brought change for others.President Lincoln wasn't educated either he was self taught.But Piccolo was there when the educated ones wasn't.And as for him begging no one ever knew what he did with the money at that time. Maybe he used it to have when he went on the marches. Now do that make you feel sorry that you gave.
Richness and Poorness is not measured by how much money you have,but by how much knowledge you possess. Who is richer one who has book knowledge or one who has G-d given knowledge?(command sense)
He marched for equal education while he himself wasn't educated.So that we could get new books and a better education as do whites.And new books to use rather the hand me down we was using.
Piccolo is more important than those who think that they are important. Because what he has done is a historical event.The Civil Rights Movement was not alot of wealthy people or educated people,No. It was about the poor and uneducated,they was the ones marching and being spat on put water on beaten and jailed.We are beginning to let white folks manipulate our minds. And we are hating against ourself.We have come to far and struggled to long to start going backwards.This is what they portray as ignorance,this is Niggar.I never could understand why people went to a wake when the dead was trying to rest in place. Don't give me a wake, give me my flowers while I am alive so that I can smell them. Because when you come to my wake I want to be sitting up with you.
Surah 4:171
171.O people of the Book!
Commit no excesses in religion:
Nor say of G-D aught but the truth.
Christ Jesus the son of Mary was(no more than)
A Messenger of G-D,
And His Word, which He bestowed on Mary,
And a Spirit proceeding from Him:
So believe in G-D and His Messengers.
Say not "Trinity": desist:
It will be better for you:
For G-D is One G-D:
(Far Exalted is He) above having a son.
To Him belong all things in the heavens and on earth.
And enough is G-D as a Disposer of affairs.
Which of these verse would you believe? The New American Standard Bible or The King James version of the same verse?
The New American Standard Bible
Luke 1:34-35
34.Mary said to the angel,"How can this be,
since I am a virgin?"
35.The angel answered and said to her,"The Holy Spirit
will come apon you, and the power of the Most High will over shadow you;
and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of G-D.
The King James version
Luke 1:34-35
34.Then said mary unto the angel, How shall this be,
seeing I know not a man?
35.And the angel answered and said unto her,
The holy Grost shall come upon thee,and the power
of the Highest shall overshadow thee;
therefore also that holy thing which shall
be born of thee shall be called the Son of G-D.
You have been deceived.
Okay now I'll add this in so that you will know that what I said about Angela's check is going to happen. She called Social security and they said that the check that is coming on the 31th of August is her regular monthly check.So where is the reinbursement for the checks that they kept June and July 2007.WHICH CAUSED HER RENT TO BE AS IT IS NOW.And now they still trying to raise it so that she pays more.
Tentant Ledger
Angela Chaderton
609 Abercorn Savannah
Duke Properties,Inc.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Date Acct Description Check# Charge Payment Bal.
07/01/2007 4030 Cable $40.00 $0.00 $40.00
07/01/2007 4000 July Rent/Lease Income $140.00 $0.00 $180.00
07/05/2007 4000 Delinquent Payment $497.00 $0.00 $677.00
08/01/2007 4030 August Cable $ 40.00 $0.00 $717.00
08/01/2007 4000 August Rent/Lease Income $140.00 $0.00 $857.00
08/06/2007 1000 Payment from Chaderton, Angela $0.00 $140.00 $717.00
$ 140.00 applied to Delinquent Payment(07/05/2007---Acct 4000)
08/07/2007 1000 Late Charge Income $30.00 $0.00 $747.00
Total: $887.00 $140.00 $747.00
Than I when to housing and they called her and she the manager of Chatham Apartment on Abercorn, Maragret to $ 707.00.This is still all of her monthly check and she got to borrow money to pay it leaving not for her medicine.And now these criminal are messing with me with these systems from Garden City Georgia.Maybe from Coastal Correction Prison
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