The big hidden secret is in Coffee County Prison.This is the reason that the State of Georgia allowed that dungeon to be built there.Because for forty years they have been hiding some people that are listed as dead. They never had a record because they was never to be known of.The are the people that Jim Crow talked about in the 60's that was all born with tails.So the State of Georgia found out that I knew about them when I wrote the letter Deceived and give it to the monitor at D-Ray James Prison. In which at that time they had tried to make me a level three mental patient.Which didn't work because they had already tried to make me a mental patient at Coffee County Prison when I told them I saw a hologram and what I saw in it.And Augusta State Medical Prison Hospital remembered me and knew that something was going on because they had evaluated me as not a mental patient.So the second time they tried it they wouldn't send me back to the private prisons. Because these are the people that are the mutants which I spoke of in that letter in what appear to be costumes.And that I had also said that they was experimenting with human life.And the reason they was trying to make me a mental patient so that when I told my story no one would believe a word I said because they made the Doctor's evaluation make me look as if I was an idiot.And they just wanted to keep me hidden until they could figure out away to silence me.So they wouldn't let anyone talk to me so that no one would know what I had to say and kept me as homeless because when something happens to a homeless person it's not reported unless someone knows them and complains.And that is why they was slandering me and tried to turn my family against me as well.
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