Monday, July 30, 2007


Everybody that has an E-Mail address in this country has been e-mail this website even in the governments. Not only once but twice in 2005 and this year when Senator Hillary Clinton made the statement "famous but unknown". I has the computer that is in Coffee County Prison e-mail everyone again. Because if you recall I told you that it is my invention and that because I was computer illiterate it is voice controlled by me. You have lied and said that the richest man in the world is a Mexican.But what you have really done is what I said in the Jim Crow story it's not a Mexican it's what you try to do is make a Mexican American a half breed in other words a white man rich to keep your power. But the problem is that the world also knows about my website.What you have done has brought shame to you all.And there is nothing you can do to cover it up because everyone was following my story.


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