Tuesday, July 24, 2007


You know I was watching the news and I see that minimum wage is going up or has gone up to $5.85. You know because of the $0.85 it brought back memories. In 1970 when I first started working the minimum wage was $1.85 an hour. And I got my first job from EOA. The director that gave me the job which I worked at The Golden Age Center which was on Abercorn and 36th Street was John Finney at EOA. And as I realize it The minimum wage has gone up at a rate of $1.33 a decade.And the cost of riding the city bus during that same time was only $0.25 and $0.10 for a transfer, it a dollar now.So they have only raised $0.25 a decade.And a pack of cigarettes was $0.35 a pack, now Newports cigarettes are $3.50 to four dollars a pack. They are they only cigarettes that are that high.They made old brand cigarettes generic so that people could still smoke good cigarettes. Gasoline was only $0.65 a gallon,even a small can of beer was only $0.50 and a tall can $0.60. But everything else has sky rocketed. The only way that the poor can see some relief is to let the minimum wage rise as was said and put a freeze on prices. The rich got to give in order for the poor to receive.


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