Monday, July 16, 2007


And this is what was told to me by Therese Leonard.I give her all of the information as I said I would and she looked into the computer and said, I don't see why you are not paying any rent. And I replied, that I don't have any income. Then she said that I see that you received a donate last year. Now how can you prove that when no one has talked to me yet?Than I begin to get angry after she say that I can give you a form to fill out so that you can get hardship money to pay your fifty dollar that you should be paying.Than I told her, I don't have any income and that the State of Georgia list me as being homeless and give me foodstamps. And she said, you are not homeless you have a roof over your head.I than said, as long as I can't pay my own way I am homeless. You be in a shelter and you are listed as homeless, but you still have a roof over your head. The Rich can see the Poor cause they have never been there.So I told her that I got the proof I need not to pay rent and that she need to get her some proof as to why I should,because I have given her what I need to prove myself. Then she said, that I need to get me a job because I don't pay no utility and Fifty Dollars is what they all should be paying at SRO. And I was also asked do I have some friends or family that I can get to pay it. I then repeated what I has said before about she is the one that needs the proof and walked out.


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