Wednesday, August 01, 2007



People have a misconception about homeless people.They think that everyone that is homeless is homeless because they want to be. Or are just lazy and don't want to work or find them a job. That conception is untrue. There are a number of reasons why people are homeless and it's nothing that they did that cause this to happen to them which has put them in that condition.Governments are part of the problem as well.Because they sit behind a desk and only see you as a healthy physical being not knowing are caring about your health at all. Because they see the outer body as being healthy,but inside you maybe dying.And if you don't have the education to explain yourself you have to do without until you can get a lawyer to help you.And what makes it so bad is that when you win they make you pay the lawyer when it should be them who should have to pay the lawyer because you was found to be right and they was the ones that was wrong.People become homeless because of natural disasters.Look at Katrina, people became homeless that was rich people but money can't help you if you can't get to it or all the power goes out.Fire is another reason why people are homeless especial when you have given your all to try and live the American Dream and it all goes up in smoke.And it took most of your life to get what you had.You find it hard to start all over again.So you maybe bless to have what you have but the next time you see a homeless person don't look down on them cause it can easy happen to you are someone you know.


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