Monday, February 26, 2007



Thursday, February 22, 2007


Mark Taylor was a mafia boss and he wasn't who they think he was.That is the reason why he said that his political career was over. And he is the one that the check for me being violated was given too. They are trying to use the excuse that I am a mental patient and can't be mess with along with what every they are saying happen to me. They are lying because nothing happened to me if it did where is the medical records to prove it.. And has put my record on under yeah123 showing a picture of me along with falsified records that don't match the background check given to me.They are telling people that I can't be mess with no matter what I do. But even if I was a mental patient even they can't break the law.It is the State that is covering up this crime and the criminal are going to try and kill each and everyone of you that got paid. I do have protection but you don't. I have call Jack Kington's office and I'm waiting on him to return my call.I am being denied a lawyer because of the State will de-bar them .The falsifed back ground check didn't match the back ground check they give me.(Read 3/21/06 Entitled Falsified Background Check) and check this on their web when you get the site click on offenders search,use this number GDC 132o89 to get the record. Look over all the proof it's alot more but I believe this is enough( Read 2/4/05 Entitled The Letter to Head of Government)( 2/23/05 What's going On)( 3/3/05 To The President of Bank of America)(4/11/05 The Conspiracy) (5/16/05 Georgia Federal)(5/25/05 Top Secret Exposed)(6/1/05 Watergate Area, 57)( 6/8/05 Decieved Sept 2, 2001)(7/7/05 The Conspirators Are) (7/14/05 Simi-End)(7/29/05 Department of Public Safety) Read the whole web from 6/15/04 until present day.


Congressman Jack Kingston office called me this morning at 10:31 AM.Reason is because I called his office last night and let a message which also included my website address.So Now that I have put it on the web that I call I'm supposing that the State Of Georgia has called and told them to tell me this that my social sercurity number is stuck in the State. And that I need to write them a letter telling them all about my story sending social sercurity number ,address and phone number.All of it is on the web they are trying to take me through all of this red tape because of the color of my skin they really have a problem with color and a limitation on what color of skin has the most money in politics as I said once before. When Former President Clinton pardon the guy that was wanted by the FBI he wasn't even in the country, I don't believe his skin was black .Now what do you think?

Lloyd Paige aka Jamal Saleem

653-B East Duffy Street


Savannah,Georgia 31401


Mark Taylor was a mafia boss and he wasn't who they think he was.That is the reason why he said that his political career was over. And he is the one that the check for me being violated was given to. They are trying to use the excuse that I am a mental patient and can't be mess with alone with what every they are saying happen to me. they are lying because nothing happened to me if it did where is the medical records on it. And has put my record on under yeah123 .They are telling people that I can't be mess with no matter what I do. But even if I was a mental patient even they can't break the law.It is the State that is covering up this crime and the criminal are going to try and kill each and everyone of you that got paid. I do have protection but you don't. I have call Jack Kington's office and I'm waiting on him to return my call.I am being denied a lawyer because of the State will de-bar them .The falsifed back ground check didn't match the back ground check they give me.(Read 3/21/06 Entitled Falsified Background Check) and check this on their web


Mark Taylor was a mafia boss and he wasn't who they think he was.That is the reason why he said that his political career was over. And he is the one that the check for me being violated was given to. They are trying to use the excuse that I am a mental patient and can't be mess with alone with what every they are saying happen to me. they are lying because nothing happened to me if it did where is the medical records on it. And has put my record on under yeah123 .They are telling people that I can't be mess with no matter what I do. But even if I was a mental patient even they can't break the law.It is the State that is covering up this crime and the criminal are going to try and kill each and everyone of you that got paid. I do have protection but you don't. I have call Jack Kington's office and I'm waiting on him to return my call.I am being denied a lawyer because of the State will de-bar them .The falsifed back ground check didn't match the back ground check they give me.(Read 3/21/06 Entitled Falsified Background Check) and check this on their web

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Have you been having problems in your life and no one would tell you what's going on? Well this is an important message to you. When there is something wrong with your record did you know that the government would not tell you what is going on. Even though they see the problem right before their eyes. They can see your record but they will not let you see your records. And why not? It's your record you have more right to see it then some stranger in an office.For example I have been to all of the governments and even in the prison system, if it wasn't for the picture of myself like the one on that was sent to me I would have never know what was going on in my life. They will not tell you what is going on even though they knew that my social sercurity number was inactive and you know they would have had to know that they are the government. Who are they protecting?They are begining to falsify your record and make mistakes that you can't find out about because it would violate you so they don't tell you. Your records are your records and you shouldn't be denied the rights to see them and you don't need a lawyer to do it. Your full record from birth up to now should be for you to obtain at anytime. And the only thing that you should have to pay for when you get it from the government is the paper it is printed on. You can get all of your records tax,credit history , work record and even medical records from your local social sercurity office. In todays world it is best that you keep up with your records as well. There should be a deadline on the government when they owe somebody.Just as it is when you owe them.They should also have to pay a penalty for anytime they don't pay you in a year period of time the same as it is for you at tax time. April 15th is the deadline that they give to us , so even swap ain't no swindle.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


We should have a media that reports the news as it really is. Giving the public the true a not speaking for the public as it is doing now. The media today is telling us that when a person is found innocent of a crime by a jury they can over turn that verdict without a judge or lawyer having any say so about it, they become the law. They are begining to dictate to the public that way they the media says is the law. They are begining to make this country a communist country and we are suppose abide by what they see to be right. They tell you that they are not going to allow you to be public or let you publish a book if that don't like you. Now I don't need to call name of the people they have done this to because we all know if the courts say that you are innocent then what good is the court system if they let the public outside of the jury decide. We don't need a court system if this is to be the case. This country is begining to be ran outside of the law. People with money think that they can control everything and everyone just because they have money. But there money isn't helping anyone it is just hurting everyone they are keeping their money in the bank and it costing the tax payers because it is just sitting so that they can just be know for having money. They are taking away the rights of people and we are just sitting back and letting this injustice happen. It seens that the American public has no voice anymore, I'm talking about the real people. Not these people that man made to pretend to be somebody. We got to wake-up to reality and recognize the true. The things that we are allowing to happen in this country other countries are begining to see us as any evil nation we are going against the truth that is left in the Christian book (the Bible) of what is right or wrong and we are making it not what G-D says is right and wrong but what man says is OKAY.We are exceeding the limits.(Read October 12, 2005 Entitled Reversing the Law).
(These are the systems they used on me

Saturday, February 17, 2007



My security is National Security @ NORAD.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


This is the story that prove that what has happen is because they mess with somebody,which is me that nolonger has a working social security number it has been deactivated and because of that my name don't exist until the State tried to cover-up. And I proved that to the TV WSAV3 station in 2004 by searching for it on the people search on the web and they have a copy it show that the name didn't exist.(Read June 15, 2004 Entitled The Untold Story of Watergate 2004) and (December 29,2004 Entitled The Untold Story of Watergate 2004(Secrecy) Imprisoned in the State of Georgia). So by the State of Georgia giving me a record back is why they all got busted. Because the CIA was undercover and they cause her to be found out ,they was being investigated because I hadn't told the State of Georgia that I wrote the President but the prison put it on my paper record in the prison system that I did. I was not to be known of for protection so I didn't exist until the State put records back,which caused their down fall. Oprah even spoke of a segment that she would be doing in 2004 called TOP SECRECT but it never aired. Top Secret was done because they saw me write it down in 2004 when I first started this blog.

YOU AIN'T NEVER SATISFIED: Because you have gone from letting the poor live, to not letting the poor have nothing.They have caused alot of people especally blacks that at one time own most of the now dilapidated houses in this city to be that way because they may NOT HAVE made out a Will and the State of Georgia will not give them any information on them. And that is the real reason why alot of the houses that are boarded up and the State of Georgia put their posters on them stating that it is their property and the City does the same because they known what they are doing is keeping the blacks that own them from getting them, if no one owns them then why do they let them stand,there is something else to it. They get paid more money in the property has a building on it then they would if it was just land and the owners would have a better chance of selling the property if no building was on it.Who wants to buy property and land when the building is of no use? And it would cost you more money to get the land because you got to pay for the building that is on it that got to be thrown down any way because it is dilapidated. They are even stopping people that if their personal doctor has declared them as disable, the State's doctor can changes their profile and make them continue to work, and I am one prime example. But I refuse to work or let them force me to do crime because my doctor will back me I can,t work no state or public assistance paid for the doctor I paid them out of my pocket. I know it's all over now but I just had to let it be known. Alot of the houses that are dilapidated was once owned by Longshoremans and City employee. And they have insurance own these homes but they are not letting the families that is rightfully do it know anything about it.That is why they can't tear them down they are getting money on them. They want poor people to have nothing at all ,so that they can keep building their modern day plantations ,which they call prison and farm inmates as the new black gold of the south at tax payer expense. Nowadays it's called modern day slavey.Especially in the private prison sector it's buying and selling a slave trade market.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


The bomb threats that was made at the schools was made all by me. Because the government refuse to answer me that being Savannah City Police Department, the State of Georgia Governor Sonny Purdue and the President of the United States George W.Bush . They have all played with my life for seven years and I am tried because I can't live my life without a social sercurity number that has been deactivated or get any health care help Medicare has even denied me .So the bomb threats will continue until I am made public one way or the other. It is criminal to mess with someones life so now to can play that game.So if they can be criminal and get away with it so can I.Nomore goody two shoe.Read the proof against them (Read March 23, 2005 Entitled City of Savannah Police Department , Habersham and Bull Street Station.) ( Read March 29, 2006 Entitled Necessity Has Come ,Courtesy of President George W.Bush) (Read August 19, 2006 Entitled Necessity Came).What do they think they have a slave and they are my master ,keep dreaming, homey don't play that s--t.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I have been violated all of my life and the reason is because of what the State of Georgia did to my grandmother. And there is a million dollars on my record that they was suppose to pay us than but they never did because of their hate.(Read January 19, 2006 Entitled The Sun Has Risen In the West) And they had The State of Georgia to put their paper in our records so that we would never be messed with again.That is the reason that I got to be paid a trillion dollars and still counting because there is no Statute of Limitation on violations and the money I'm getting is from my inventions and business ideas the government only pays the law suits. Tax payers pay nothing for the violation . ( Read Feburary 7, 2005 Entitled Inventions Given to the U.S. Government) So you see how ugly this looks against you after the crimes that was commited in that prison.(Read Feburary 4, 2005 Entitled The Letter to the Head of Government) and( Read April 12. 2006 Entitled The Most Hideous Crime of Our Time).

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Privatization was never pass. The President George W. Bush talked about it in December of 2001. And my letter to him on January 12, 2002 stopped it from happening.So the private prison industry is illegal.You can make a profit from somebody's heartship that also is an act of slavery. And my social security number is disable causing me not to be unemployable because to they can 't take out taxes on a number that nolonger work, I would get fired once found out.So I am being hated against by the people of this county.