Have you been having problems in your life and no one would tell you what's going on? Well this is an important message to you. When there is something wrong with your record did you know that the government would not tell you what is going on. Even though they see the problem right before their eyes. They can see your record but they will not let you see your records. And why not? It's your record you have more right to see it then some stranger in an office.For example I have been to all of the governments and even in the prison system, if it wasn't for the picture of myself like the one on that was sent to me I would have never know what was going on in my life. They will not tell you what is going on even though they knew that my social sercurity number was inactive and you know they would have had to know that they are the government. Who are they protecting?They are begining to falsify your record and make mistakes that you can't find out about because it would violate you so they don't tell you. Your records are your records and you shouldn't be denied the rights to see them and you don't need a lawyer to do it. Your full record from birth up to now should be for you to obtain at anytime. And the only thing that you should have to pay for when you get it from the government is the paper it is printed on. You can get all of your records tax,credit history , work record and even medical records from your local social sercurity office. In todays world it is best that you keep up with your records as well. There should be a deadline on the government when they owe somebody.Just as it is when you owe them.They should also have to pay a penalty for anytime they don't pay you in a year period of time the same as it is for you at tax time. April 15th is the deadline that they give to us , so even swap ain't no swindle.
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