Tuesday, February 20, 2007


We should have a media that reports the news as it really is. Giving the public the true a not speaking for the public as it is doing now. The media today is telling us that when a person is found innocent of a crime by a jury they can over turn that verdict without a judge or lawyer having any say so about it, they become the law. They are begining to dictate to the public that way they the media says is the law. They are begining to make this country a communist country and we are suppose abide by what they see to be right. They tell you that they are not going to allow you to be public or let you publish a book if that don't like you. Now I don't need to call name of the people they have done this to because we all know if the courts say that you are innocent then what good is the court system if they let the public outside of the jury decide. We don't need a court system if this is to be the case. This country is begining to be ran outside of the law. People with money think that they can control everything and everyone just because they have money. But there money isn't helping anyone it is just hurting everyone they are keeping their money in the bank and it costing the tax payers because it is just sitting so that they can just be know for having money. They are taking away the rights of people and we are just sitting back and letting this injustice happen. It seens that the American public has no voice anymore, I'm talking about the real people. Not these people that man made to pretend to be somebody. We got to wake-up to reality and recognize the true. The things that we are allowing to happen in this country other countries are begining to see us as any evil nation we are going against the truth that is left in the Christian book (the Bible) of what is right or wrong and we are making it not what G-D says is right and wrong but what man says is OKAY.We are exceeding the limits.(Read October 12, 2005 Entitled Reversing the Law).
(These are the systems they used on me www.fas.org/irp/program/index.html


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