Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I have been violated all of my life and the reason is because of what the State of Georgia did to my grandmother. And there is a million dollars on my record that they was suppose to pay us than but they never did because of their hate.(Read January 19, 2006 Entitled The Sun Has Risen In the West) And they had The State of Georgia to put their paper in our records so that we would never be messed with again.That is the reason that I got to be paid a trillion dollars and still counting because there is no Statute of Limitation on violations and the money I'm getting is from my inventions and business ideas the government only pays the law suits. Tax payers pay nothing for the violation . ( Read Feburary 7, 2005 Entitled Inventions Given to the U.S. Government) So you see how ugly this looks against you after the crimes that was commited in that prison.(Read Feburary 4, 2005 Entitled The Letter to the Head of Government) and( Read April 12. 2006 Entitled The Most Hideous Crime of Our Time).


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