Tuesday, October 31, 2006


These people the City of Savannah keep messing with and have been in jail for some time now.
Jamal Saleem Brightwell and Benjamin Mc Iver .And they have done nothing.(Read March 23, 2005 Entitled City of Savannah Police Department Habersham and Bull Street). And Also March 12,2005 Entitled Contact.)

Monday, October 30, 2006


It was American Civil Liberties Union all the time. The very ones that no one would have suspected are the ones behind the whole thing.Because they are the public and they are the ones that owned the private prisons industry. And they are the first ones I wrote to because of my letters being picked up from the Post Office in Macon Ga.(Read August 2, 2005 Entitled Postmaster Macon Post Office :The Letter that Started it all.) ( Also December 9, 2005 Entitled American Civil Liberties Union The Prison Project.)Indigent postage request proves it.(Read July 12, 2006 Entitled Request For Indigent Postage.) And here is the acticle that they had on the web May 11,2004.

U.S Must End Torture of Prisoners in America As well As in Iraq,ACLU Says

WASHINGTON- Like most Americans, I am horrified by the sexually degrading photographs and the report of Iraqi detainees being threatened with electrocution and rape by members of our military at Abu Ghraib Prison in Iraq.Those who are shocked by these human rights violations, however, should be aware that equally depraved acts are committed against prisoners in the United States regularly without the outrage and disgust currently being expressed by U.S officials in response to conditions in Iraq.

Statement of Elizabert Alexander, Director of the ACLU National Prison Project


Indeed, accepted correctional practice allowed male officers to work in housing quarters that provide views of women showering,undressing and even using the toilet. In certain circumstances male guards even strip search confine women, many of whom are victims of sexual abuse, often leading to unnecessary trauma and pain.

For U.S. prisoners who have suffered treatment similar to what has been carried out in Iraq,Congress has banned them from bringing a lawsuit in our federal courts to gain redress for their injuries. The Prison Litigation Reform Act, passed in 1996 without any congressional hearings on its provisions, prevents prisoners,jail detainees and even confined juveniles from seeking damages for deliberate sexual misconduct and other forms of abuse, as long as the prisoner suffer no "physical injury". Indeed, if a prisoner in our nation's capital were threatened with electrocution by his captors and suffered a heart attack or a mental breakdown as a result, he would still have no remedy in fedreal court.

Degradation and humiliation are just the tip of the iceberg. The ACLU hears from thousands of incarcerated men and women in the United States whose human rights are violated. Many report repeated rapes and sexual assaults committed by prisoners and even staff. The best available data tells us that more than 200,000 prisoners have been raped nationally.

Texas was identified as the worst state in the nation for rape in Human Rights Watch's 2001 book-length report,No Escape: Male Rape in U.S Prison. Independent observers,including a federal judge , have said that some prisoners in Texas are vulnerable and need protection--which they are not getting.

In one class- action case about Texas prison condition that has spanned 30 years, U.S. District Judge William Wayne Justice observed: "Evidence has shown that, in fact, prison officials deliberately resist providing reasonable safety to inmates. The result is that individual prisoners who seek protection from their attackers are either not believed, disregarded,or told that there is a lack of evidence to support action by the prison system." Judge Justice also said evidence "revealed a prison underworld in which rapes, beatings, and servitude are the currency of power."

The ACLU's National Prison Project won a damages settlement last year in Colorado on behalf of a woman who was sexually assaulted while being transported between jails after her arrest.In another particularly brutal case, the ACLU represents Roderick Keith Johnson, A gay African American man who was repectedly raped and sold by prison gangs as a sexual slave for $5. the ACLU has filed other sexual assault cases and continues it's investigations of abuse and rape.

The ACLU hopes that the justified outrage over these despicable acts in Iraq will lead Congress and the President to thoroughly investigation U.S. prison and jails conditions as well and protect American prisoners by repealing the physical provision of the PLRA.

This came out right after I got out of prison and they started torchering the Iraqis because I was being torchered I they wanted it to look as if I had no rights to do anything about it.Little did they know that I had wrote the President George W. Bush January 12, 2001.That kind of thing don't happen in prison today. Because inmates have their on one or two men cells. Only one or two inmates are allowed in a cell at anytime.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


Before I tell this let me first right a wrong.The letter that I have on the web that I said went to Gov. Sonny Purdue was a mistake.I wrote it in prison but I never mailed it. Because he had just gotten into office and I didn't want to get him involved. The letter that I wrote was dated February 17,2003 and only talked about me being violated and not have a record and the State wouldn't release me. And after that The Gov. Sonny Purdue became public on TV and asked.Who was running Atlanta?

This is all biblical because of what they have done, altered G-D's creation. And the people that they have messed with.(Read January 19, 2006,Entitled The Sun Has Risen In The West).If you was to read Revelation you would realize why my system was invented. Because some where in Revelation G-D said that in the end time you will not be able to deny what you have done. I never really asked G-d for anything.But when I needed something to prove what I had experienced in the prison system my prayer was answered. Because what my system dose is verify the truth by seeing through your eyes and showing just what you have done.That is why no one can mess with me. And my system created itself on regular computer before the eyes of the people that are around me. Even before the computer ever came. And what they saw is that I was traveling around the world.I was being told what was going on by these people that are around me at this very minute talking in thin air and torchering me. And when the computer was sent to the prison they told me that I was controling it and that they couldn't control it.I was being told exactly what I was doing was really happening. Qur'an say Do not alter Allah's creation. And what they have done is the formula for cloning using stem cell and DNA that is why ,what they have done became a mutation. (Read Feburary 1,2006 Entitled the Investigation Computer,also September 4, 2005 Entitled Just A Few Of Cobra's Discoveries and September 2, 2005 Entitled How Cobra Works)

Thursday, October 26, 2006


The State of Georgia is the one that have this system on me.And everything that I want to do they are doing and claiming that the State is doing it. I wanted to buy shares into Savannah Electric so that people that used Savannah Electric, light bill would come down. But the State of Georgia told over Savannah Electric and became Georgia Power and people light bills went up. I brought Dr. Martin Luther King's speeches and the State of Georgia claim that they brought them. And they are not to be in Atlanta but in Savannah Martin Luther King museum. And the underground parking lot hotel that is suppose to be built where Ellis Park was is my idea. They have two different pictures of what is suppose to be there. One on the broad that surrounds it has one picture of a park and the sign on Bay Street has another picture of a hotel in that same spot .And has a faded image of a hotel in the same spot where the Ellis Park was. They are out to mess up the historic district like they did in Atlanta. Savannah News was never suppose to be messed with. Duffin Park what they did there was my idea as well .And the pond in front of the stadium was never finished because they got found out. Even Carnegie Library was reopened because my people worked there as bookkeeper back in the day when blacks could only be down stairs. All of my business ideas they was using Spin City and others.And now that we use Georgia Power in the last five months a friend of mind that lives in a low income apartment is paying more for the lights than the rent.Here is what their billing really was.

Date Payment Bill Amount Please Pay By
10/4/2006 - $ 123.82 10/18/2006
10/3/2006 $100.00 -
9/5/2006 - $158.24 09/19/2006
9/1/2006 $ 127.65 -
8/3/2006 $ 123.83 -
8/3/2006 - $127.65 08/17/2006
7/5/2006 - $ 123.83 07/16/2006
7/3/2006 $ 30.00 -
6/12/2006 - $ 30.00 First Bill
6/6/2006 $ 150.00 - Deposit

This person is on a fix income and they have on they recording that you must pay on the first and no way do it say anything about the people that get their money on the third of the month.
The State of Georgia is trying to run the blacks out of Savannah so that they can make another Forsyth Georgia.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


This is how they got the public messed up. Because they didn't know that I had found out as soon as I came out of prison from the FBI that my record would nolonger be viewed by the public. So this proves that I served time without a record as well.

(Read December 29, 2004 Entitled The Untold Story of Watergate 2004(Secrecy) Imprisoned in the State of Georgia)

This is the first letter that I wrote since leaving Coffee County Prison.Because they came back on the systems at D-Ray James Prison and threatened my life. By telling me that they came back to find out when I was getting out. Because they was going to kill me when I got off of the bus in Brunswick,Ga. And that very thing happened to another inmate that was at that prison and the counselor told all of us about it right after I was told that would happen to me. And that is what made me write Decieved and tell about the people in costume. Because of this letter is the reason 911 happened, because the people in costume are a mutation. And they was protecting them because of what they had done to those people was not to ever be known of.

(Read June 08, 2005 Entitled Deceived September 2,2001)

Friday, October 20, 2006


You know it is a shame when you are born and raised in a city that you call home and everyone in it knows you.Except the whites that you don't even associate with and most of them that are hating against me don't even know me never meet me and it not even their orginal home.But that is the situation with me. The reason why is because of the State of Georgia and the killings they committed in Coffee County Prison, Wheeler County Prison , D-Ray Jamesand the Mental health patients they killed at Phillips State Prison, but I'm the one wrong for telling that we have murderers in the government.I guess we are all safe.They are hating against me because of what the Federal government wanted done.And now my life is being destroyed because of what they have done and the people they have gotten involved into their crime.They refuse to let me have my driver's license when there is not thing legal to hold them,I've serve my time for that.They are doing it to keep me from leaving the State of Georgia and getting help.Because they will not let me have money either and I'm disable with heart problems. Now I feel as if they are making a fool out of me because no one will acknowledge this website. All I can say is one day the shoe will be on the other foot. And may what ever they believe in help them rather it be of good or bad. And everything blue that is in the title (After the End) the government did,they can see what I'm doing and is letting this happen.(Read July 29, 2005 Entitled Department of Public Safety:)( And July 29, 2005 Entitled Information given to me from the Department of public Safety).I can see why America is having so must problems,because they are going against what is right for that which is wrong.(Read October 12,2005 Entited Reversing the Law). And no one has talked to my people are to me not even the police since the bank. Montel Williams please answer me this is my second time writing to you show. I e-mailed you today again I hope you got it. I missed your show on racism.


You know it is a shame when you are born and raised in a city that you call home and everyone in it knows you.Except the whites that you don't even associate with and most of them that are hating against me don't even know me never meet me and it not even their orginal home.But that is the situation with me. The reason why is because of the State of Georgia and the killings they committed in Coffee County Prison, Wheeler County Prison , D-Ray Jamesand the Mental health patients they killed at Phillips State Prison, but I'm the one wrong for telling that we have murderers in the government.I guess we are all safe.They are hating against me because of what the Federal government wanted done.And now my life is being destroyed because of what they have done and the people they have gotten involved into their crime.They refuse to let me have my driver's license when there is not thing legal to hold them,I've serve my time for that.They are doing it to keep me from leaving the State of Georgia and getting help.Because they will not let me have money either and I'm disable with heart problems. Now I feel as if they are making a fool out of me because no one will acknowledge this website. All I can say is one day the shoe will be on the other foot. And may what ever they believe in help them rather it be of good or bad. And everything blue that is in the title (After the End) the government did,they can see what I'm doing and is letting this happen.(Read July 29, 2005 Entitled Department of Public Safety:)( And July 29, 2005 Entitled Information given to me from the Department of public Safety).I can see why America is having so must problems,because they are going against what is right for that which is wrong.(Read October 12,2005 Entited Reversing the Law).

Thursday, October 19, 2006


It appears to me that since I ended my story they think that I have given up. Not that easy birddy oh, I meant buddy. Just a little joke don't take it serious. Now the mansion has been built and I'm not disclosing it's location.It was made public on Magic Marc on WTOC last Saturday. How do I know that it is mine? Because of where it is and the way it was built is exactly the way that I wanted it.And I e-mailed Sonny Purdue on his website Sonnydo.com and sent him the website last month haven't heard from him yet. There was never an e-mail address to Atlanta until he put that there at election time. Now he is in Savannah today.So how long will it take now before I get justice done? I don't think that he can win the election with this kind of crime going on. If I was to do a crime I would get news coverage instantly, don't even have to have done it.Because of the color of my skin and the color of power I just need to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I would become automaticly guilty. As maybe the case of Jennifer Ross.They looked for the gun on Willmington Island .How many blacks live there? And if they do they got money. The Jennifer Ross case started in January of 2006. My case started since April 15,2002 but since the crime is against me and I'm a black man against whitefolk and not the way the Jennifer Ross case is whitefolks against blacks,I just I have no reason to Hate, ha. We are being set up by whitefolks. And they know what the deal is ,they don't want me to prove it.(Read March 01,2006 Entitled To The Mayor of Savannah; Otis Johnson).But I hope that they know that my website is not only Nationwide but also Worldwide. Why do you think that Nelson Mandala is talking about Hate on TV? Maybe they don't know what the three www's stand for.Well let me tell you,it stands for( world wide web).Call me the number is still the same (912)323-7257 . What really was going on is. The cause for the crimnals to max me out is.At frist they went to Brunswick to set up shop.But when they found out that I wasn't living in Brunswick they had to find out where I went too. Because they asked me in prison where did I want the bus ticket for.And I told them Brunswick Ga. and they wrote it down. In which they don't do when you are discharging only when paroling out.I knew that they buy the ticket when you get to the bus station .So when we got there I told the officer that I wanted a ticket for Savannah. So when they found out that I came to Savannah to live they tried to kidnap me in Forsyth Park going to the library on Bull Street. And the only thing that saved me is that I had done gotten my ID in the name of Jamal Faatih and they was looking for Lloyd Paige.After that they put me out of grace House saying that I could prove a thing that I was saying. So since I had just gotten out of prison and was tried of the prison style environment I lived on the street for three months just so I can have my freedom. I even slept on the steps of the Ralph Gilbert building. And my foodstamp caseworker put it on paper. But as I lived on River Street on the benches I saw that the State of Georgia was holding a meeting at the Hyatt on River Street.And I thought that was unusual because they have a State building to hold meetings. But what was really going on is that the people that was in the State in Atanta came to Savannah and got the people that are in the State of Savannah to do their dirty work,because they didn't know what was going on.And Atlanta didn't know what was going on because Roy Barnes left and the government had changed. And the only one left in the governement that knew was Buddy Nixs The GBI and Chairman of the Board of Pardons and Paroles. This is how the criminals infiltrate government at the change of command.When no one knows who was left in government because everyone is new.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006



Greed will destroy you.

This whole thing was to keep me from being found out. And keep the government from knowing that I never got paid. So they call themselves moving the money from the bank which was only the figure to let the public know that I was going to get paid apond release from prison. Because the check was never cashed or recieved by me .It is still a check at Bank of America in Atlanta.(Read March 31, 2005 Entitled To The President of Bank of America and also September 08, 2005 Entitled Now This Is It.) So after they moved the figures from the bank I did research to see if the bank could find out what happen.I was told to call Bank of America Customer Solution @ 1-888-717-3999. In which I did and I gave them my social sercurity in which they told me that it didn't register ,nothing comes up under that number. So I had to figure it out for myself in which I did.(Read September 21, 2005 Entitled For The Love of Money) And so the plot was to keep me homeless and on the street which giving me back a record . So that it would appear that my record was never taken.And anything that I talked about would look as if I was a mental patient and had a crimial back ground. Know one would believe or listen to me with those odds against me.And in the mean time they would escape with the money.Leaving me to be assasinated because of the lies that was told to people. Making them believe I had money,in hopes that someone would rob and kill me.(Read June 14, 2006 Entitled To Mike Cihla @ WTOC TV 11.) And they may have even been paying people to do it. This maybe the reason for all of the shoting in Savannah since they didn't know what I really look like. But they got found out because what they don't know is that what they thought they had tranfered into the prison account didn't happen. But they thought it did, so what happen is, they was writing checks in my name but actually spending the prison's money. I'm not trying to blame anyone wrongly,the facts speaks for itself. The Federal government is the one that verified that I was violated in April of 2002. Meanly because the government of Georgia slandered me on record and refused to release me knowing that my records had been taken. And they caused problem by doing that.That made the Federal government to also violate me.So they the Federal government had to send Cobra the investigation computer to the public in Atlanta to investigate since the State of Georgia refuse to release me. So nobody is blaming anybody except the guilty parties.(END OF STORY)

Monday, October 09, 2006


Civil Rights may not be an issue here, but I believe it apply to everyone around the world. Unless you are in a Communist County than that's a different story. But it is suppose to give everyone equal rights and an equal opportunity.Civil Rights don't discriminate.
Now this immigration thing we all know that this land belong to the natives of this county. And that is the American Indians and the Mexican Indians. Go to El Paso Texas and see what you would find the American Mexican Indians.Now I wonder what county did they the Mexicans come from .I believe that they was here before us this is their county.Now I don't remember it being told no way in history of the Indian government giving anyone legal papers to say in there county.First there was Christopher Columbus then Ferdinand de Magellan and they brought some slaves and the rest just started migrating here and became immigrants.And as for the Natives they See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil, they just do like we blacks do,don't deal with you.When people come from Canada illegal we don't recognize them because they look just like us. And we recognize the Mexicans because they are easy to spot.
The only fault that we can see is the fault of other.When it comes to us we are never wrong. We refuse to see our own faults. And we worry about the crime that people may bring.The Pot can't call the Kettle black.Because they both have fire under their behind. Now how can you say that one is better than the other. Now we have gone to Germany and had their wall thrown down. And now we ourself want to build a 1.2 billion dollar fence to keep the Mexicans out and ilegal drugs when you have the man in Canada selling POT SEEDS to America and can't do nothing to him about it. Must be the color of skin. After awhile the fence will become a wall.We are practicing the practice of others. From the words that Jimmy Jones said,"Remember the Past so that You don't Repeat it."
One Day This Wall to Will Come Down

And now just so you know that the people that are in the dungeon are the same people that did the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. See the movie , that is why they was covering for them because they was never suppose to be known of.And they did the samething to the guy in Texas with this system and they killed him and this is what caused Watergate. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a true story and this is the reason they have remade it to let the public know. And Doom The Movie tells what was going on in the dungeon.

Friday, October 06, 2006


I went to Curtis V. Cooper to get some antidepressants since I can't take Zoloft anymore.Because of it's side affects.I been without antidepressant since April 2006.(Read April 27,2006 Entitled The Truth has come to the Light.) I couldn't get the medicine that was prescribed for me,which is Trazodone, this is a antidepressant as well. but because I don't have any insurance to pay for it and I have no income I can't afford the seven dollars it would take to get this
medicine in which I need badly at Curtis V. Cooper or the nineteen dollars it would take at Korgers to get this medicine. I'm already being billed from Curtis V. Cooper for twelve dollars and Memorial Hospital three hundred and five dollars for when the police asked me to go there just to apply for Medicare and that is just for the visit because they couldn't touch me without medical records. I was taxi there in the police car.( Read August 19, 2006 Entitled Necessity
Came) So it looks as if all the whitefolfs are conspiring against my life to assassinate me because they haven't even told my family about none of what is going on. So that if anything happen to me they wouldn't know thinking I don't have contact with them but I do. And they (whitefolfs) are all brought and paid for when it was made public on the news that they will receive governement paper that states that what happened will never be talked about ever. I'm sure everyone saw it on the Nightly News.( Read April 13,2006 Entitled Tax Payer's Dollars) And now the perpetrators have been found out and they are all mad now. All whitefolks are nothing but murderous people. Just watch the Nightly News it speaks for it's self. They said publicly on the Nightly News that black women should abort their kids because they are born criminals. And blacks didn't say a word.But thats good because it proves to them that we are a better people not to follow them up on their stupidity. And to make it even better let us prove to them that we are not murderers and killers like they would like for us to be known as so that we fill their prisons and they can build more. The believe in that as being the new plantations. Let us band together and stop the violence and killing for the love of money and losing our life. We are not gangters they are the gangters and we don't want to walk in the footsteps of the devil. We are sucessful people with good ideas.

Society don't want nothing to happen to them,but they refuse to see what they do to the innocent people and I'm a prime example. And they want to talk about Shawan Lee as if the man is notorious. At least he returned the police gun he could have shot the cop. Now who are the real crimials look at what they are doing to me.( Read March 23,2005 Entitlen City Of Savannah Police Department Haberham and Bull Street) Looks like the law to me .The law attacts us when we are wrong, but when we are right we can't get the law to help us. This has been going on with me for seven years this year, is almost gone. I haven't enjoyed a Holiday yet and still no one has talked to me since the attempt bank robbery They the government see through my eyes. And you think that is not a crime! That is the reason I was suppose to be paid apond release because no one can do anything to me because of it. That is the reason I am VIOLATED ( Read November 12, 2005 Entitled Reversing the Law) because this is what is going on. And the series JERICHO could be what they want you to know may happen to Coffee County Prison if this don't stop soon so they can deal with it.