Monday, October 09, 2006


Civil Rights may not be an issue here, but I believe it apply to everyone around the world. Unless you are in a Communist County than that's a different story. But it is suppose to give everyone equal rights and an equal opportunity.Civil Rights don't discriminate.
Now this immigration thing we all know that this land belong to the natives of this county. And that is the American Indians and the Mexican Indians. Go to El Paso Texas and see what you would find the American Mexican Indians.Now I wonder what county did they the Mexicans come from .I believe that they was here before us this is their county.Now I don't remember it being told no way in history of the Indian government giving anyone legal papers to say in there county.First there was Christopher Columbus then Ferdinand de Magellan and they brought some slaves and the rest just started migrating here and became immigrants.And as for the Natives they See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil, they just do like we blacks do,don't deal with you.When people come from Canada illegal we don't recognize them because they look just like us. And we recognize the Mexicans because they are easy to spot.
The only fault that we can see is the fault of other.When it comes to us we are never wrong. We refuse to see our own faults. And we worry about the crime that people may bring.The Pot can't call the Kettle black.Because they both have fire under their behind. Now how can you say that one is better than the other. Now we have gone to Germany and had their wall thrown down. And now we ourself want to build a 1.2 billion dollar fence to keep the Mexicans out and ilegal drugs when you have the man in Canada selling POT SEEDS to America and can't do nothing to him about it. Must be the color of skin. After awhile the fence will become a wall.We are practicing the practice of others. From the words that Jimmy Jones said,"Remember the Past so that You don't Repeat it."
One Day This Wall to Will Come Down

And now just so you know that the people that are in the dungeon are the same people that did the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. See the movie , that is why they was covering for them because they was never suppose to be known of.And they did the samething to the guy in Texas with this system and they killed him and this is what caused Watergate. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a true story and this is the reason they have remade it to let the public know. And Doom The Movie tells what was going on in the dungeon.


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