Friday, October 06, 2006


I went to Curtis V. Cooper to get some antidepressants since I can't take Zoloft anymore.Because of it's side affects.I been without antidepressant since April 2006.(Read April 27,2006 Entitled The Truth has come to the Light.) I couldn't get the medicine that was prescribed for me,which is Trazodone, this is a antidepressant as well. but because I don't have any insurance to pay for it and I have no income I can't afford the seven dollars it would take to get this
medicine in which I need badly at Curtis V. Cooper or the nineteen dollars it would take at Korgers to get this medicine. I'm already being billed from Curtis V. Cooper for twelve dollars and Memorial Hospital three hundred and five dollars for when the police asked me to go there just to apply for Medicare and that is just for the visit because they couldn't touch me without medical records. I was taxi there in the police car.( Read August 19, 2006 Entitled Necessity
Came) So it looks as if all the whitefolfs are conspiring against my life to assassinate me because they haven't even told my family about none of what is going on. So that if anything happen to me they wouldn't know thinking I don't have contact with them but I do. And they (whitefolfs) are all brought and paid for when it was made public on the news that they will receive governement paper that states that what happened will never be talked about ever. I'm sure everyone saw it on the Nightly News.( Read April 13,2006 Entitled Tax Payer's Dollars) And now the perpetrators have been found out and they are all mad now. All whitefolks are nothing but murderous people. Just watch the Nightly News it speaks for it's self. They said publicly on the Nightly News that black women should abort their kids because they are born criminals. And blacks didn't say a word.But thats good because it proves to them that we are a better people not to follow them up on their stupidity. And to make it even better let us prove to them that we are not murderers and killers like they would like for us to be known as so that we fill their prisons and they can build more. The believe in that as being the new plantations. Let us band together and stop the violence and killing for the love of money and losing our life. We are not gangters they are the gangters and we don't want to walk in the footsteps of the devil. We are sucessful people with good ideas.

Society don't want nothing to happen to them,but they refuse to see what they do to the innocent people and I'm a prime example. And they want to talk about Shawan Lee as if the man is notorious. At least he returned the police gun he could have shot the cop. Now who are the real crimials look at what they are doing to me.( Read March 23,2005 Entitlen City Of Savannah Police Department Haberham and Bull Street) Looks like the law to me .The law attacts us when we are wrong, but when we are right we can't get the law to help us. This has been going on with me for seven years this year, is almost gone. I haven't enjoyed a Holiday yet and still no one has talked to me since the attempt bank robbery They the government see through my eyes. And you think that is not a crime! That is the reason I was suppose to be paid apond release because no one can do anything to me because of it. That is the reason I am VIOLATED ( Read November 12, 2005 Entitled Reversing the Law) because this is what is going on. And the series JERICHO could be what they want you to know may happen to Coffee County Prison if this don't stop soon so they can deal with it.


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