You know it is a shame when you are born and raised in a city that you call home and everyone in it knows you.Except the whites that you don't even associate with and most of them that are hating against me don't even know me never meet me and it not even their orginal home.But that is the situation with me. The reason why is because of the State of Georgia and the killings they committed in Coffee County Prison, Wheeler County Prison , D-Ray Jamesand the Mental health patients they killed at Phillips State Prison, but I'm the one wrong for telling that we have murderers in the government.I guess we are all safe.They are hating against me because of what the Federal government wanted done.And now my life is being destroyed because of what they have done and the people they have gotten involved into their crime.They refuse to let me have my driver's license when there is not thing legal to hold them,I've serve my time for that.They are doing it to keep me from leaving the State of Georgia and getting help.Because they will not let me have money either and I'm disable with heart problems. Now I feel as if they are making a fool out of me because no one will acknowledge this website. All I can say is one day the shoe will be on the other foot. And may what ever they believe in help them rather it be of good or bad. And everything blue that is in the title (After the End) the government did,they can see what I'm doing and is letting this happen.(Read July 29, 2005 Entitled Department of Public Safety:)( And July 29, 2005 Entitled Information given to me from the Department of public Safety).I can see why America is having so must problems,because they are going against what is right for that which is wrong.(Read October 12,2005 Entited Reversing the Law).
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