Monday, August 28, 2006


Nothing is free! You can't have fun and run. There are now four-billion people that the computer have E-mailed to in this county alone. Every State government in this county including the public and also overseas.So now that you all have found out the the wedsite is true.What are you planning on doing?You wouldn't make me public so now I have made you public more public than you could ever make me.And they got the truth as I wrote it, not watered down this time.
(Read March 10, 2006 Entitled Fire This Time) And they think that I can't reach Washington DC and the any President that sits in the Unitied States government though the computer.(Read March 15, 2006 Entitled A Hater Is A Terrorist).Someone is using jasalfa on Blackvoices and it's not me and I can't log in under that name.

Saturday, August 26, 2006



Wednesday, August 23, 2006


These people have been deceiving you. Because what and who you think you have been talking to on the phone is not who they say they are. They have been using the systems that the Psychic Centers was using. That is the reason why they closed them down. They called people on the phone and these system holds their voices.So when they talk to someone on the phone they talk in that person voice that the system has.These systems are radioactive system. Like the Black Lady that had the Philippian accent and was found out and made public on national TV that she was not of Philippian at all , but was living in California all of her life.And another one that was using these system was Milli va Milli. That is why the Psychic Centers all was close because of these system on me and that is how they made me believe that my people was kidnapped and held hostage in Coffee County Prison when in reality they was not ever there but they call each and everyone of them and used their voices.They will not even give me my inheritance of $ Million dollars form my Longshoremans Insurance and the Safety Deposit Box that holds the Deeds to my home I was told by Bank of America was given to the State Of Georgia.This is a Federal Insured Box.

Now it's time to tell the full meaning of my name:

[Jamal ] means- Beauty --the beauty from within that a person may share with others.

[Saleem] means- One who has Patient

This they do want me to tell you, ya'll don't hear me. I said, THEY DON'T WANT ME TO TELL YA. But i wouldn't be true to myself if I don't do it. Here it is.

[Faatih] means - One Who Conquers

And they knew this from when they knew of my story about my Grandmother.(Read January 19, 2006 Entitled The Sun Has Rised In The West ).

The Computer that is in Coffee County that is mind is voice control and is being controled by me only so what you are do to me is coming back at you.I can control it out of thin air because it's satilite.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


And if whitefolk don't do the right thing they will pay.Because when the computer was sent to Coffee County Prison with what I had said is on it (TO LLOYD PAIGE FROM PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH ).I sent one back to the President George W. Bush for protection and they made it known on National TV by let the President go out to the front gate to shake hands with the public and no secret service was close to him he was by his self. And all of the United States government is protected by Cobra and will always be.That is why the media said that there is nothing that they can do with that,US government.After this, since this is a hate crime and it have been made public on this web , because it's on Google as hating against me.Whitefolks in Georgia will not have a voice and they did it to themselves. The detectives I talked to was all white with one Latino.This whole thing is about whitefolk I even told one of the undercover agents that this was a hate crime.I was suppose to be made public apond release because they knew that the system would protect me. So it is just hate that is keeping my life on hold. Because it told them how long it would take to get the system off of me. Now how would I know about these systems if it wasn't told to me.No one speaks about a system on the street unless it a stereo .And the private prison are all owned by the CIA .They made it public that they wanted to know where all of the CIA's private prisons was on National TV from the Whitehouse. Now now looking back they have shorten what I wrote to Buddy (Nix) The head of the Parole Board and head of the GBI. (Read March 20, 2006 Entitled The letter to Milton E. Buddy Nix Jr.) I still have the orginal letter as it was written on the web. He maybe the one who is messing with my life because Roy Barnes put him there before he let office with my letter.
This is the letter that was first sent to Buddy Nix.Postmarked October 25,2002.And it cause me not to get out on parole.Addressed to the Parole Board.

Phillips State Prison
2989 West Rock Quarry Rd.
Buford, Ga. 30519
October 24,2002

Dear Chairman Milton E."Buddy" Nix Jr.

My name is Lloyd Paige EF 409414. I have been writing the parole board ever since 2001.My recent letters are dated Sept.16, 2002 and Oct.8, 2002.My first letter dated Sept. 16, 2002 spoke of experience I was going through in the prison system since 1999 up until 2002.As I went through Coffee County Prison,Wheeler County Prison,D-Ray James,Central State Prison and now at Phillips State Prison. I have been to five prisons in three years and three months.Trying to run from Coffee County Prison monitor room people or officals.It is explained in my Sept.16,2002 letter just what was going on. And in that letter I also detailed my record according to how I lived it and what was told to me would be on my record.I was unable to get a letter out nto Atanta while I was in Coffee County Prison , Wheeler and D-Ray James.Because I stayed in the hole at Coffee County Prison for six months and at Wheeler Prison for three months continuously , not coming out until I got to D-Ray James.Not knowing at that time what connection D-Ray James may have had to CCA. So I didn't attempt to write Atanta concerning my problem from their either. But I did write them concerning my time in June of 2002 which they had answered me back with in a month.But ever since then I've been writing to Atanta Commissioner of Corrections,Parole Board and Inmate Affairs.I haven't been able to recieve an answer from anyone, not even my lawyer Howell W. Ragsdale Jr. of Atanta. But everyone can answer me as long as it's about my time. But I've beening writing for help for a year and I haven't recieved it yet.All I can get is feed back on how much time i got to do.even with my record off the regular website and now it's on the Department of Corrections website and I'm the only one my picture.(Read March 27, 2006 Entitled The Website Return Release That Verifiy My Picture).And as of August 16,2002 I recieved a Revaluation Form dated August 5,2002 which is a form, it's a letter (Read March 21, 2006 Entitled State Board of Pardon and Paroles).Telling me that because of my institutional conduct my TPM has been set back from January 2003 to May 2003. And this was done from write-ups that are in my paper files that I recieved at Central State Prison for refusing to work.I refused to work the eight hours detail they were trying to give me because I have a medical profile in my records in the prison and on the computer ever since I came into the prison system,until I got to Central State Prison.And on the write-ups nuberd 531-02-0046, D531-02-0033, D531-02-0030 it plainly states"Based upon all information obtained during the investigation to include lack of Medical documentation."And my medical profile is from a heart specialist in Brunswick, Ga. and I'm not suppose to work an eight hour job.And all of those write-ups are based on the same thing.And also during my sentence I was always going to school and or dorm orderly or wellness walk.Coffee County Prison personals or officals have had this tracking system on me my entire sentence and have been seeing through my eyes. Everything I do and write they can see.And this have been causing me a problem because they are doing something that they think can't be proven and is trying to make me a mental patiet because of it and I,m not. The radiation shots they have taken enables them along with those systems to see through my eyes.And they are still messing with me.I have been going through this torture and torment for three years.And I have been writing some of everyone telling my story asking for help and no one answered.All the pain I'm going through is on X-Ray in medical. I have been through alot of hell, and these people have gotten even more intense for some reason. They are doing this from somewhere around D-Ray James prison ,that's where the system left with me from. And now they think here that I have a mental problem because I argued with them about the letter Atlanta sent me.And I told them how aggrevated I am because of this tracking system on me,I can't even go to school because of it. it can viewed on the website www.Fortune500trackingsystem/diagphagrm/animalpenis system/manual/map/setup. i have missed my "PIC" month of Sept.2002 without reason. I'm only in prison for Habitual Violation Driving not Drinking with drivers permit and I'm not a Felon. but I was sent a grid sheet to do 90% because they when of the grid. Which do not follow the Board 90% Resolution for my crime of Habitual Violator which statea on the grid to do 905 it must be a Vehicular Homicide, while Habitual Violator or DUI. I don't come under niether one. My record is on the Department of Corrections.

P>S These people have even cost me my marriage by calling my wife and telling her lies.

LLoyd Paige EF 409414

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


There is no other religion in the world that attacks other people's religion but those that call themselves of the Christian religion here in America.Other religions have respect for other people's religion.The religion of Christianity is suppose to follow the teachings and practice of the Prophets, not worship them.For they were only humanbeing as we all are. Chosen to deliver the Word of G-D. Not to be worship.For All Praise is Due to the One True G-D.He is of no need of partners. You look for Jesus to come back. Do you really know what you are looking for? The flesh can never return as the person that once was,only the spirit returns. Life after death is the spirit form.From that which you came ,you shall return.

Surah (Chapter) II Al-Baqarah: The Cow Ayat 8-20

Section II Lip--profession

In the name of Allah (G-D), the Beneficent, the Merciful.

8.And there are some people who say : We believe G-D and the Last Day ; and they are not believers.
9.They seek to deceive G-D and those who believe,and they deceive only themselves and they perceive not.
10.In their hearts is a disease, so G-D increased their disease,and for them is painful chastisement because they lie.
11.And when it is said to them, Make not mischief in the land, they say : We are but peacemakers.
12.Now surely they are the mischief-makers, but they perceive not.
13.And when it is said to them, Believe as the people believe, they say : Shall we believe as the fools believe ? Now surely they are the fools, but they know not.
14.And when they meet those who believe, they say, We believe; and when they are alone with their devils, they say : surely we are with you, we were only mocking.
15. G-D will pay them back their mockery, and He leaves them alone in their inordinacy, blindly wandering on.
16. These are they who buy error for guidance, so their bargain brings no gain, nor are they guided.
17. Their parable is as the parable of one who kindles a fire, but when it illumines all around him, G-D takes away their light, and leaves them in the darkness--they cannot see.
18.Deaf, dumb , (and) blind, so they return not:
19. Or like abundant rain from the cloud in which is darkness, and thunder and lightning ; they put their fingers into their ears because of the thunder-peal, for fear of death. And G-D encompasses the disbelieves.
20.The lightning almost takes away their sight. Whenever it shines on them they walk in it, and when it becomes dark to them they stand still. And if G-D had pleased, He would have taken away their hearing and sight. Surely G-D is Possessor of power over all things.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Why are my records being put back when they can't? Because of the falsified information that is in my medical records they can't been put back and the medicine that I was given in the prison system in 1999 without my knowlegde would all have to be on my medical records.Which would be a malpractice suit.Even for the cholesterol they all call themselves law abibing citizen,but it seems as if there is no longer law abibing citizen when they take the side of the crimials.Now the truth is,is that the reason that they maxed me out in the prison system is because the CIA send my computer to Coffee County Prison.Because the computer is in my Longshoreman's Insurance.And my computer want sent to me addressed on the top "TO LLOYD PAIGE FROM PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH". I was alway electonically monitored because of the insurance.That is the reason why my life has been messed with all of my life by CIA. The computer that is in Coffee County Prison monitor room is what is on me because it is what protects me and it will not come off until I get my other computer.And all the information that they are receiving is coming from that computer to the investigation computer.It's my Invention. Because I have been hated against just because I was violated,because that is all I have been writing about in prison and all the time here on the web.So what is the hate about ?It don't cost the public one cent,so it must be the color of skin.Because you have talked to the crimial but you are yet to talk to me.I mean come on I'm only human I have a reason to hate,but I don't.What is your excuse ?To hate against me someone you never met or talked too.Now Here is how the State is getting information to put my records back only here in Georgia.Because July 20,2004 Yellow Page .com said that there was no one found in Savannah,Georgia by the name Jamal S.Faatih.

Georgia Department of Human Resources

Chatham County Department of Family and Children Services
Case number
C.Williams 467g
Case Manager/Caseload
Telephone Number

Mr.Jamal S.Faatih
653 B East Duffy St.
Savannah,Ga. 31401-6645

An interview has been scheduled for you May 18,2006 at 9:00 a.m. This interveiw will be held at the DFACS office located at the Curtis V. Cooper building located at 106 East Broad street. Please bring with you the items checked below.

` Check stubs
` Brith certificate/proof of citizenship/proof of age for:
` Social Sercurity card/application for:
` bank account statement -on more than 30 days old.
`Letter of Award for Social Sercurity,SSI,Veterans benefits,unemployment benefits,worker's compensation for:
`Please read sign & return notice of Privacy Practices
`Please complete last page once Rights & Responsibilities read( Which was my Work History)
`medical bills on which you still owe-physician, prescription drug, health insurance premium, hospitalization.
( I was told at the time that I give them that information that I was going to be denied Medicaid by Mrs. C. Williams.)

Georgia Department of Labor
Micheal L. Thurmond, Commissioner
Disability Adjudication Service

PO BOX 13457** Savannah,Ga 31416-0457*(912)351-3511

Jamal Saleem Faatih 05/11/2006
653 B Duffy St
Savannah,Ga 31404

SSN: 256-84-5579 00

Case# 1353089

Our agency is working on your Social Sercurity and/or SSI disability claim. We must have your cooperartion in helping us obtain needed information before we can continue development of your claim.

Have you been hospitalized if so, please provide me with the name of the hospital and the dates?

please call me at the number below. Your call may be answered by a recording.Please follow the recording's instructions and leave a message, including a telephone number where you can be reached.

If you do not respond within (10) days from the date you receive this letter,your claim may be unnecessarily delayed or a decision maybe made on your claim based on information currently in your file.Since we are missing some inportant information, this could result in a finding that you are not eligible for disability benefits.

Disability Adjudicator
Toll Free 1-800-992-3511 EXT.6455

I was Denied Social Sercurity since 2005,I never reapplied.

Saturday, August 12, 2006


Surah II -Al- Baqarah: The Cow - Part II Ayat (Verse) 159,160

First of all to help you better understand Al-Qur'an . Al- Qur'an verifies the truth that is in the Bible. It is also the continuation of Revelation.

Hard Trials Neccessary to Establish Truth: (Qur'an)

In the name of G-D,the Beneficent, the Merciful.

159. Those who conceal the clear proofs and the guidance that We revealed after We have made it clear in the Books for men,these it is whom G-D curses,and those who curse, curse them (too),

The Bible, Deuteronomy Chapter 28: 15-19

15. But it shall come to pass,if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the Lord thy G-D,to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee,and overtake thee:
16.Cursed shalt thou be in the city,and cursed shalt thou be in the field.
17.Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store.
18. Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body,and the fruit of thy land,the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep.
19.Cursed shalt thou be when thou comest in, and cursed shalt thou be when thou goest out.


160.Expect those who repent and amend and make manifest (the truth), these it is to whom I turn (mercifully); and I am the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.

Surely( Allah) G-d speaks truth in Qur'an.

Surah II Al-Baqarah: The Cow (Section I) Ayat 1-7

Fundamental Principles of Islam

In the name of G-D, the Beneficent, the Merciful.

1.I, Allah (G-D), am the best Knower.
2. This Book (Qur'an), there is no doubt in it, is a guide to those who keep their duty,(Guard themself against evil)
3.Who believe in the Unseen and keep up prayer and spend out of what We have given them,
4.And who believe in that which has been revealed to thee and that which was revealed before thee, (Revelations to all the nations of the world) of the the Hereafter (life after death) they are sure.
5.There are on a right course from their Lord and these it is that are successful.
6. Those who disbelieve - it being alike to them whether thou warn them or warn them not - they will not believe.
7.Allah (G-D) has sealed their hearts and their hearing; and there is a covering on their eyes, and for them is a grievous chastisement.

Allahu Akbar (G-D is the Greatest)

Thursday, August 10, 2006


The reason that they want the Mayor Otis Johnson to work part-time as Mayor of Savannah is because whitefolks would be able to control and they think that no one knows what is going on.But my website is all over Savannah even in the Projects.A City as Big as Savannah has a part-time Mayor,I don't think so.They do that in small towns.We have a Metropolitan Police Department. The Black Judge that was given the website in Superior Court is gone.Judges must be elected not appointed.(Metropolitan) Of or constituting a large City or urbanized area,including adjacent suburbs and towns:the Dallas Fort Worth Metropolitan area; a metropolitan county.
(Town) A population center that is larger than a village and smaller than a city.
Reread March 01,2006 (entitled TO THE MAYOR OF SAVANNAH; OTIS JOHNSON


All the Judges are on the Contract;
Superior Court Judges
Judge P.Brannen
Judge J. F. Bass,Jr.
Judge H.G.Fowler

State Court Judges
Judge L.Abbot
Judge P.Freesemann
Judge M.Karpf
Judge R. Ginsberg
Judge H. Coolidge

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I have been hearing some lies that has been put in the streets about me.Well now let me put some truth to what I've heard.I know that there are some that I don't know about but if you hear them they are nothing but lies.It's been going around that I am an alcoholic just because people don't know that Old Milwaukee puts out a none alcoholic malt beverage.They only know that O'doul's did.Well today there are a few other none alcoholic beverage on the market,here are the names of the ones that I've found.

Starting with the (Sparking).They have,
Private Selection and,
Welchs Non-Alcoholic Sparking

In the Beverage they have,
O'doul's Malt Beverage Non- Alcoholic
Kaliber Imported Non- Alcoholic
Sharp's Non- Alcoholic
And my favorite because it cheap and I just want the taste anyway.
Old Milwaukee Malt Beverage and these have in them 0.5 percent alcohol by volume.Sparking is alcohol free and can be brought with food stamps.

They are trying to make me look as if I am an alcoholic,but I not today and when I did drink seven years ago I was a beeraholic. You know I once told a friend of mind back in 1976 when I had my name changed that I was not going to practice Al-Islam until I had given up my bad habit of smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.The day came seven years ago even before I got arrested for being an Habitual Violator I had stopped drinking.I did want to practice the religion because I knew to be a true Muslim we are no suppose to smoke or drink alcohol,it made me feel guilty around true Muslims.but now I am at peace with myself.And I'm not saying that I'm perfect because G-d didn't create the humanbeing to be perfect HE only created the humanbeing in the perfect mold.I can't be what people want me to be because that would be portraying a false image of myself.I can only be me because I am who I was born to be.Qur'an says: Surah ( Chapter) 37: 1-21

Unity will prevail

In the name of G-D, Most Gracious Most Merciful.

1.By those who ranging in ranks,
2.And those who restrain holding in restraint,
3.And those who recite the reminder,
4.Surely your G-D is One
5.The Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and what is between them and the Lord of the eastern lands.
6.Surely We have adorned the lower heaven with an adornment,the stars,
7.And (there is) a safeguard against every rebellious devil.
8.They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and they are reproached from every side,
9.driven off; and for them is a perpetual chastisement.
10.Except himwho snatches away but once,then there follows him a brightly shining flame.
11.So ask them whether they are stronger in creation or those (others) whom We have created. Surly We created them of frim clay.
12.Nay, thou wonderest, while they mock,
13.And when they are reminded they mind not,
14.And when they see a sign, they seek to scoff,
15.And say: This is nothing but clear enchantment.
16. When we are dead and have become dust and bones,shall we then be raised,
17.Or our fathers of yore?
18.Say: Yea and you will be humiliated.
19.So it will be but one cry, when lo ! they will see.
20.And they will say; O woe to us ! This is the day of Requital.
21.this is the day of Judgement,which you called a lie.

Surely G-D speaks the truth in Qur'an.

Monday, August 07, 2006


This is bascially the way that I am having to deal with this ignorance.Now I don't take the antidepressant medication Zoloft.Because in the Patient Information Leaflet warning and I have been experiencing decreased sexual ability. But it is the only one for depression that Urban Health Center have that is free to give.Now this is the whole of the POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS :

SIDE EFFECTS that may occur while taking this medicine include nausea,dry mouth,increased sweating, drowsiness, diarrhea,or upset stomach.If they continue or are bothersome,check with your doctor.(check with your doctor as soon as possible)if you experience uncontrollable shaking (tremor), loss of appetite,unusal weight loss, decreased interest in sex,or decreased sexual ability.(CONTRACT YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY)if you experience unusual or rapid weight gain, seizures,severe nervousness or anxiety,agitation, panic attacks , difficulty sleeping,feelings of irritability or hostility, impulsive behavior or other unusual changes in behavior, severe restlessness,worsening feelings of depression, thoughts of hurting yourself, or any other mental or mood changes.(FOR MEN:) In the unlikely event you experience a painful or prolonged erection, seek immediate medical attention or permanent problems could occur.(AN ALLERGIC REACTION) to this medicine is unlikely but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs.Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, or trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor,nurse, or pharmacist.

This medicine maybe the cause of why teenage kids are robbing and doing other crimes so much today and adults as well.this medicine isn't suppose to be on the market neither is Prosac.And they are both being given away as (FREE).And Lawyers are on TV, telling you if you are taking these drug you maybe able to sue.

Saturday, August 05, 2006


Talk,talk,talk,that is all that I have been doing it seens and getting no answer.Now I know and I want you who may be reading this to know that this website has been delivered to all the TV Stations,Banks and people that are in high places in this town.So that means that not only the nation but the people in my home town Savannah have been told to keep quiet.So I guess this is what my life has become.To spend it talking and revealing the truth and acts of whitefolks reign.They give us a deadline April 15,any year to pay our taxes,but when it comes to money that they owe to the public there is no deadline on when they have to pay it.I think that it is only fair that they also should have a deadline to pay people.Even the government needs to be govern on how long they can keep people waiting.I have even tried to make a deal with them to give me twenty-five thousand dollars which isn't alot of money to leave it alone.(Read March 29,2006)Entitled Necessity Has Come, Courty of President George W.Bush and March 30, 2006 (Entitled I Have Been To the Bank.Government is playing G-D with people lives they have no control over live or death .So Because I am a black man I guess I could end up dying broke like the rest of us do.(Read January 31,2006 )Entitled Jasalfa's Wake-Up Call.They made Deep Throat Public a long time ago and he is the one that started The Watergate Investigation and no one is messing with him because he is also being protected by my system.So you see that I am a victim of the biggest government hate crime in history. (Also Read March 12, 2005)Entitled Contact and February 07,2005 (Entitled Inventions Given to The U.S. Government).They don't pay me I pay myself,the public can't pay when it the government's fault.

Friday, August 04, 2006


Let us vote to cut Congress pay.Because they don't want to raise the minimum wage.
But some years, back if we remembered Congress raised themself $30,000 dollars each and the public said nothing.This had to have been tax payer's money.Who else would be paying them?Former President Clinton said that in ten years the minimum wage would be X amount of dollars.It hasn't reach that yet! MAKE YOU WANT TO HOLLA, THE WAY THEY DO OUR LIFE AND OUR MONEY.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I have found out that American Civil Liberty Union The Prison Project in Washington DC is the ones that is messing with my life.They was the first ones that I wrote to in prison because the Macon postoffice gave me the address.(Read August 02, 2005 Entitled Postmaster Macon Postoffice,The Letter that Started It All .) Once they had recieve my first letter all the other ones was beening returned even from the FBI in Atlanta.Until I wrote to them in my other name of Jamal S. Faatih that letter was not returned for the Prison Project because it told all about what I was telling, what was going even the torcher that I was going through.As for as I remember it.