Tuesday, August 22, 2006


And if whitefolk don't do the right thing they will pay.Because when the computer was sent to Coffee County Prison with what I had said is on it (TO LLOYD PAIGE FROM PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH ).I sent one back to the President George W. Bush for protection and they made it known on National TV by let the President go out to the front gate to shake hands with the public and no secret service was close to him he was by his self. And all of the United States government is protected by Cobra and will always be.That is why the media said that there is nothing that they can do with that,US government.After this, since this is a hate crime and it have been made public on this web , because it's on Google as hating against me.Whitefolks in Georgia will not have a voice and they did it to themselves. The detectives I talked to was all white with one Latino.This whole thing is about whitefolk I even told one of the undercover agents that this was a hate crime.I was suppose to be made public apond release because they knew that the system would protect me. So it is just hate that is keeping my life on hold. Because it told them how long it would take to get the system off of me. Now how would I know about these systems if it wasn't told to me.No one speaks about a system on the street unless it a stereo .And the private prison are all owned by the CIA .They made it public that they wanted to know where all of the CIA's private prisons was on National TV from the Whitehouse. Now now looking back they have shorten what I wrote to Buddy (Nix) The head of the Parole Board and head of the GBI. (Read March 20, 2006 Entitled The letter to Milton E. Buddy Nix Jr.) I still have the orginal letter as it was written on the web. He maybe the one who is messing with my life because Roy Barnes put him there before he let office with my letter.
This is the letter that was first sent to Buddy Nix.Postmarked October 25,2002.And it cause me not to get out on parole.Addressed to the Parole Board.

Phillips State Prison
2989 West Rock Quarry Rd.
Buford, Ga. 30519
October 24,2002

Dear Chairman Milton E."Buddy" Nix Jr.

My name is Lloyd Paige EF 409414. I have been writing the parole board ever since 2001.My recent letters are dated Sept.16, 2002 and Oct.8, 2002.My first letter dated Sept. 16, 2002 spoke of experience I was going through in the prison system since 1999 up until 2002.As I went through Coffee County Prison,Wheeler County Prison,D-Ray James,Central State Prison and now at Phillips State Prison. I have been to five prisons in three years and three months.Trying to run from Coffee County Prison monitor room people or officals.It is explained in my Sept.16,2002 letter just what was going on. And in that letter I also detailed my record according to how I lived it and what was told to me would be on my record.I was unable to get a letter out nto Atanta while I was in Coffee County Prison , Wheeler and D-Ray James.Because I stayed in the hole at Coffee County Prison for six months and at Wheeler Prison for three months continuously , not coming out until I got to D-Ray James.Not knowing at that time what connection D-Ray James may have had to CCA. So I didn't attempt to write Atanta concerning my problem from their either. But I did write them concerning my time in June of 2002 which they had answered me back with in a month.But ever since then I've been writing to Atanta Commissioner of Corrections,Parole Board and Inmate Affairs.I haven't been able to recieve an answer from anyone, not even my lawyer Howell W. Ragsdale Jr. of Atanta. But everyone can answer me as long as it's about my time. But I've beening writing for help for a year and I haven't recieved it yet.All I can get is feed back on how much time i got to do.even with my record off the regular website and now it's on the Department of Corrections website and I'm the only one my picture.(Read March 27, 2006 Entitled The Website Return Release That Verifiy My Picture).And as of August 16,2002 I recieved a Revaluation Form dated August 5,2002 which is a form, it's a letter (Read March 21, 2006 Entitled State Board of Pardon and Paroles).Telling me that because of my institutional conduct my TPM has been set back from January 2003 to May 2003. And this was done from write-ups that are in my paper files that I recieved at Central State Prison for refusing to work.I refused to work the eight hours detail they were trying to give me because I have a medical profile in my records in the prison and on the computer ever since I came into the prison system,until I got to Central State Prison.And on the write-ups nuberd 531-02-0046, D531-02-0033, D531-02-0030 it plainly states"Based upon all information obtained during the investigation to include lack of Medical documentation."And my medical profile is from a heart specialist in Brunswick, Ga. and I'm not suppose to work an eight hour job.And all of those write-ups are based on the same thing.And also during my sentence I was always going to school and or dorm orderly or wellness walk.Coffee County Prison personals or officals have had this tracking system on me my entire sentence and have been seeing through my eyes. Everything I do and write they can see.And this have been causing me a problem because they are doing something that they think can't be proven and is trying to make me a mental patiet because of it and I,m not. The radiation shots they have taken enables them along with those systems to see through my eyes.And they are still messing with me.I have been going through this torture and torment for three years.And I have been writing some of everyone telling my story asking for help and no one answered.All the pain I'm going through is on X-Ray in medical. I have been through alot of hell, and these people have gotten even more intense for some reason. They are doing this from somewhere around D-Ray James prison ,that's where the system left with me from. And now they think here that I have a mental problem because I argued with them about the letter Atlanta sent me.And I told them how aggrevated I am because of this tracking system on me,I can't even go to school because of it. it can viewed on the website www.Fortune500trackingsystem/diagphagrm/animalpenis system/manual/map/setup. i have missed my "PIC" month of Sept.2002 without reason. I'm only in prison for Habitual Violation Driving not Drinking with drivers permit and I'm not a Felon. but I was sent a grid sheet to do 90% because they when of the grid. Which do not follow the Board 90% Resolution for my crime of Habitual Violator which statea on the grid to do 905 it must be a Vehicular Homicide, while Habitual Violator or DUI. I don't come under niether one. My record is on the Department of Corrections.

P>S These people have even cost me my marriage by calling my wife and telling her lies.

LLoyd Paige EF 409414


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