Why are my records being put back when they can't? Because of the falsified information that is in my medical records they can't been put back and the medicine that I was given in the prison system in 1999 without my knowlegde would all have to be on my medical records.Which would be a malpractice suit.Even for the cholesterol they all call themselves law abibing citizen,but it seems as if there is no longer law abibing citizen when they take the side of the crimials.Now the truth is,is that the reason that they maxed me out in the prison system is because the CIA send my computer to Coffee County Prison.Because the computer is in my Longshoreman's Insurance.And my computer want sent to me addressed on the top "TO LLOYD PAIGE FROM PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH". I was alway electonically monitored because of the insurance.That is the reason why my life has been messed with all of my life by CIA. The computer that is in Coffee County Prison monitor room is what is on me because it is what protects me and it will not come off until I get my other computer.And all the information that they are receiving is coming from that computer to the investigation computer.It's my Invention. Because I have been hated against just because I was violated,because that is all I have been writing about in prison and all the time here on the web.So what is the hate about ?It don't cost the public one cent,so it must be the color of skin.Because you have talked to the crimial but you are yet to talk to me.I mean come on I'm only human I have a reason to hate,but I don't.What is your excuse ?To hate against me someone you never met or talked too.Now Here is how the State is getting information to put my records back only here in Georgia.Because July 20,2004 Yellow Page .com said that there was no one found in Savannah,Georgia by the name Jamal S.Faatih.
Georgia Department of Human Resources
Chatham County Department of Family and Children Services
Case number
C.Williams 467g
Case Manager/Caseload
Telephone Number
Mr.Jamal S.Faatih
653 B East Duffy St.
Savannah,Ga. 31401-6645
An interview has been scheduled for you May 18,2006 at 9:00 a.m. This interveiw will be held at the DFACS office located at the Curtis V. Cooper building located at 106 East Broad street. Please bring with you the items checked below.
` Check stubs
` Brith certificate/proof of citizenship/proof of age for:
` Social Sercurity card/application for:
` bank account statement -on more than 30 days old.
`Letter of Award for Social Sercurity,SSI,Veterans benefits,unemployment benefits,worker's compensation for:
`Please read sign & return notice of Privacy Practices
`Please complete last page once Rights & Responsibilities read( Which was my Work History)
`medical bills on which you still owe-physician, prescription drug, health insurance premium, hospitalization.
( I was told at the time that I give them that information that I was going to be denied Medicaid by Mrs. C. Williams.)
Georgia Department of Labor
Micheal L. Thurmond, Commissioner
Disability Adjudication Service
PO BOX 13457** Savannah,Ga 31416-0457*(912)351-3511
Jamal Saleem Faatih 05/11/2006
653 B Duffy St
Savannah,Ga 31404
SSN: 256-84-5579 00
Case# 1353089
Our agency is working on your Social Sercurity and/or SSI disability claim. We must have your cooperartion in helping us obtain needed information before we can continue development of your claim.
Have you been hospitalized if so, please provide me with the name of the hospital and the dates?
please call me at the number below. Your call may be answered by a recording.Please follow the recording's instructions and leave a message, including a telephone number where you can be reached.
If you do not respond within (10) days from the date you receive this letter,your claim may be unnecessarily delayed or a decision maybe made on your claim based on information currently in your file.Since we are missing some inportant information, this could result in a finding that you are not eligible for disability benefits.
Disability Adjudicator
Toll Free 1-800-992-3511 EXT.6455
I was Denied Social Sercurity since 2005,I never reapplied.
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