Wednesday, August 09, 2006


I have been hearing some lies that has been put in the streets about me.Well now let me put some truth to what I've heard.I know that there are some that I don't know about but if you hear them they are nothing but lies.It's been going around that I am an alcoholic just because people don't know that Old Milwaukee puts out a none alcoholic malt beverage.They only know that O'doul's did.Well today there are a few other none alcoholic beverage on the market,here are the names of the ones that I've found.

Starting with the (Sparking).They have,
Private Selection and,
Welchs Non-Alcoholic Sparking

In the Beverage they have,
O'doul's Malt Beverage Non- Alcoholic
Kaliber Imported Non- Alcoholic
Sharp's Non- Alcoholic
And my favorite because it cheap and I just want the taste anyway.
Old Milwaukee Malt Beverage and these have in them 0.5 percent alcohol by volume.Sparking is alcohol free and can be brought with food stamps.

They are trying to make me look as if I am an alcoholic,but I not today and when I did drink seven years ago I was a beeraholic. You know I once told a friend of mind back in 1976 when I had my name changed that I was not going to practice Al-Islam until I had given up my bad habit of smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol.The day came seven years ago even before I got arrested for being an Habitual Violator I had stopped drinking.I did want to practice the religion because I knew to be a true Muslim we are no suppose to smoke or drink alcohol,it made me feel guilty around true Muslims.but now I am at peace with myself.And I'm not saying that I'm perfect because G-d didn't create the humanbeing to be perfect HE only created the humanbeing in the perfect mold.I can't be what people want me to be because that would be portraying a false image of myself.I can only be me because I am who I was born to be.Qur'an says: Surah ( Chapter) 37: 1-21

Unity will prevail

In the name of G-D, Most Gracious Most Merciful.

1.By those who ranging in ranks,
2.And those who restrain holding in restraint,
3.And those who recite the reminder,
4.Surely your G-D is One
5.The Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and what is between them and the Lord of the eastern lands.
6.Surely We have adorned the lower heaven with an adornment,the stars,
7.And (there is) a safeguard against every rebellious devil.
8.They cannot listen to the exalted assembly and they are reproached from every side,
9.driven off; and for them is a perpetual chastisement.
10.Except himwho snatches away but once,then there follows him a brightly shining flame.
11.So ask them whether they are stronger in creation or those (others) whom We have created. Surly We created them of frim clay.
12.Nay, thou wonderest, while they mock,
13.And when they are reminded they mind not,
14.And when they see a sign, they seek to scoff,
15.And say: This is nothing but clear enchantment.
16. When we are dead and have become dust and bones,shall we then be raised,
17.Or our fathers of yore?
18.Say: Yea and you will be humiliated.
19.So it will be but one cry, when lo ! they will see.
20.And they will say; O woe to us ! This is the day of Requital.
21.this is the day of Judgement,which you called a lie.

Surely G-D speaks the truth in Qur'an.


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