Wednesday, July 05, 2006


We think that we,the black people here in America are free,but we are not.We are still a slave in a white man's world.Some of us have money but we can't get the businesses and big corporation that they have.And when it comes to elections we are being used by allowing our kids to be in their campaign when once they are in office the whole government becomes white.They are just using us.Roy Barnes had really won the election and the polls can prove it,but Sonny Purdue became Governor and was never inarguarated.So what's up with what?I guess now that the voter's ID stop illegals from voting and it can also stop legals votes from being counted because of color of skin.It's electronic now and they have proven that they can play with that.That means that the government will still be all white but they claim that they are not discriminating because they put blacks in lower level government jobs.It is easy to see,when they show the government on the news, see how many blacks you can count.Rice is the only one in Washington that you see.So what is the rest of the country's governments doing?What the leading government is doing,following the leader.We got to get our act or should I say our house in order,because it's not an act.We have to change our ways and start teaching our kid how to do for self and stop depending on the government to take care of us.Because that is what modern day slavery is all about.You can't go no farther than they let you.And the NAACP needs to wake-up to the reality of life. The young people today don't want to be apart of an organization of people that goes under the banner of being called colored people.We are the only people in the world that have been called by so many name.Just to name a few the famous (N) word NIGGAR, so famous that they have us calling ourself niggar on records and we think it's OKAY.That is ignorant,the true meaning of the word itself.And than there is Negro now what country do they come from.Another name given to us by the whitefolks which came from the root word Niggar.And than they try to say that when they say colored people they are talking about people of color.But we are the only ones that they called colored people. So how can that be true?We need to rethink our ideas of who we are and what we stand for and stop letting other people think for us.We are all leaders of ourself,our families and our world.They may not say anything to me or pay me a dime, but one thing about it, doing this gives me peace of mind.


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