Tuesday, June 20, 2006


This is just as I said in Deceived,the most incredible story you have every heard.And you have witnessed for yourself that it is all true.And now what they are really hiding in the prison house that they the State didn't want to be revealed.As I said in the Governor's Roy Barnes letter of what the machine do. What the was doing was grafting humanbeings and what they ended up with is a live and living Devil.That is what I was under attack because the people in Deceive in what appear to be costume is not a costume at all they are dog,monkey,and rabbit people.And the final thing is a monster,the devil in the flesh.And they knew I saw that in the hologram so they tried to make me a mental patient by sending me to Augusta prison hospital.Because of the letter deceive,but it didn't work.And now they are trying to put all of my records back and not pay me anything.And is trying to get Mark Taylor and the lawyer that I have on the web Joseph (Joe)Steffen in the State to continue the cover-up.The Big Guy to get the little guy,(Me).Who elected Mark Taylor for lieutenant Governor.It didn't happen on Puedue election.Because there saw no lieutenant Governor on the Ballot .I have been torchered since 1999 and still is being torchered and they know it.Because the people that are around me are the ones that told radiation shot to see through my eyes with the help of the systems that I have been talking about in all of my letters to people when I was in prison.And because it is satilite and they contaminated which cause me to be torchered by them.I can hear them and that is why I know that they busted the prison house because I heard the police sirens which was alot.And I was able to hear it because of the radiation on the outside of the house.Now medicaid has denied me insurance saying that I don't have a medical need.And Curtis V.Cooper Primary health is who applied for it.And I received a letter from the State, Dated June 15,2006 to go to their Doctor again located at The Islands Professional Center.Wayne Hodges MD
100 Blue Fin Circle Suite 7.And on June 14,2006 the State sent me another letter stating "Our agency is working on your Social Security and/SSI disability claim. We must have your cooperation in helping us obtain needed information before we can continue development of your claim. A request for your medical records was sent to Dr. Avery Strickland on 5/11/2006.On 5/18/2006, a response from Dr.Strickland was received with a note explaining you are not a patient.Please call Dr. Strickland's office today and have your records faxed to me at (912)353-5846.Have you received any further medical treatment?If so, please provide the name and address of the medical provider.Please call me at the number below.Your call may be answered by a recording. Please follow the recording's instruction and leave a message, including a telephone number where you can be reached.
Disability Adjudicator
Toll Free 1-800-992-3511 EXT.6455


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