Friday, June 09, 2006


Who is really the illegal immigrant?Let us go back to the time of old Christopher Columbus.As you will see today that the story about him has changed from the time that people my age learned about him.According to World Book Encyclopedia.So in other words he didn't discover America at all because people was already here.Each nationality had it own country.If Africa is the native land of the Blacks,Australia is the native land of the Australians,Asia homeland of the Arabs.Europe is the homeland of the Europeans,but there is something wrong here Europe is connected to Asia.What divide Europe to make it a continent? Let us look at America.What makes Canada or Mexico not apart of the Untied States when Alaska when it is apart of the U.S.Everyone in America is illegal except the Mexicans and the Mexican Indians because Mexicans are Indians.So from the way I leaned about old Christopher Columbus is that they said that he discovered America when there was people already here.So that means that this county was already a country.Until Christopher came here and made a claim that he discovered America.But let's not forget that Christopher came from Europe who give him the right to be here.So that say that he stole someone else country and made it his.And own top of that he brought some more people which was free in their own country and made them slaves,which was the black if they could still work people for free they would welcome the Mexicans with open arms.
So who really are the illegal immigrants can you point them out from this story?


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