Monday, April 17, 2006


We can go to Congress and ask for money to fight wars and just about anything else that really don't benefit the America public.In fact thing that would help the public we can't find the money to keep them open,so they end up closed.And these are needed programs.You can't really know what it is to be poor and needy if you haven't experience it can't just look at provety and say,I know what you are going through if you never have been provety skicken.We would rather spend billions of dollars to fight a war that is not really ours.Then to put billions in Education,are to find cures for disease.So to stop the "BULL" I am give up my Trillion Dollars from the good of mankind.
$250,000,000,000 Billion Dollars to Leukemia Research
$250,000,000,000 Billion Dollars to Cancer Research
$250,000,000,000 Billion Dollars to Aids Research
And most important of all to me is the Drug War to keep drugs out of the black neighborhoods.Because it is destroying our kids and us as a people.And if it isn't stopped we will know why.Because it would be nothing but government putting it in,because they never make public what happens to the drugs they bust.
So $250,000,000,000 Billion will go to fight for Drugs to be kept out of the black neighborhoods all across this county,and I ask that we all join in.



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