Saturday, April 01, 2006


The reason why they refuse to make me public or give me my computer is.Because it will bust them out.Because the people that are involved are people with big money. And it's alot of people with that type of money involved into this.So they would rather mess my life up and keep me from having anything and leave me with nothing ,than all of them who have plenty would continue to become rich while the poor get poorer..Because when the system was put back on me at D.Ray James prison they theatened my life and said that they came back to kill me when I get off of the bus.In which right after that an inmate was killed exactly that way from that prison.Soon as he stepped off the bus,the Counselor there told us all.So when they threatened me I called my friend and told him what was going on.And he told me that he would call Atlanta in which he did.He called the Commissioner of the Department of Corrections and the Commissioner told him to call three other people and he did as well.And one of them told him to tell me to write a grievance to the Broad of Parole and send it directly to them not letting it go through the prison as it is suppose to do first, but they had told him that they didn't want it to go through the prison so it was sent as they had said..And I did and it was returned to me with inmate affair attached to it and I still have it.It was sent back to me a Central State Prison.Then I also wrote the State still from D.Ray James Prison protecting all of my family and friends.And that is when I also wrote three copies of Deceive and was trying to give one to the State Monitor when he came, but the State Monitor told the Warden to take the letter in which on the envelope read that "MY LIFE IS IN DANGER. All of this happened at D.Ray James Prison.And because of the letter Deceive I was sent to Augusta Medical Prison Hospial.In which I stayed there for two weeks.I was sent there from D.Ray James Prison as a level three mental patient when I wasn't a mental patient at all,neither was I on any medicine.So being that this was the second time that I was sent to Augusta for the same reason,Augusta refused to send me back to the private prisons.And because of that is when 9/11 happened.Then and only than that they realize that they was busted so they caused 9/11 to take the heat off the prison.After that didn't work as they had planned I was transferd to Central State Prison. And was going to be let go but they started torturing me.The State couldn't get me out because they canceled the tranfer that would have me go back to Coastal to get my teeth fixed and than released.The State don't know at first that the system that was on me give them the ability to see through my eye because of the radiation shot they had taken.So since they couldn't get me out I was tranfered in March of 2002 to Phillips State Prison to be in protective custody.And was tranfered off of record so that they wouldn't know where I was.But again they didn't know that they could see through my eyes that's why they always knew where I was.While being at Phillips State Prison is when Close Caption on the news said that Saddam was willing to let them search any place that they wanted.But that is when they received miss information and didn't know where it came from,again it was Georgia.Next because of me being tortured they started torturing the Iraqis.Next came the falsified military records of the President to try and keep him from being reelected.So that I wouldn't be found out. And what ever happened after that up until now.


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