Wednesday, March 22, 2006



Inmate Affairs was the ones that I first talked to in Coffee County. When I went to the hole because of the system being on me,that made me think that the inmates was messing with me.And they had me put in the hole for 72 hours investigation.Which I refuse to come out after the time was up because I didn't know what was going on.(In Decieved it will tell the story from there.And at that time they told me that they were Inmate Affairs).But I talked to them again when I was transfered from Phillips State Prison and sent to Smith State Prison.But in two days I was transfered again from Smith to go to Reidsville State Prison to see a Doctor for mental health.And the people I saw was the same three people that I spoke to at Coffee County Prison claiming to be Inmate Affairs,only this time they said that they was
psychiatrist.Three people, one Arab man and two American women.And what they asked me and wanted me to tell them was what was the conspiracy.And I told them that I was violated and that a system was on me and that the FBI was investigating it.And they question me for we days and getting nothing else but that and was looking mad.


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