Friday, March 03, 2006


I'm tried of what I'm going through just to get what is rightfully mine according to the law.Until what is going on is making a mockery of government.I have been violated inside prison and outside on the street by government.I'm being scrutinize by being called a whistle-blower.As they call people who work for the government and may tell on them.But I am a civilian I have never been employed by the government in anyway,not even in the military.My insurance is a Will and was Willed to me by my Uncle which adopted me.But they are scrutinizing me making even the media turn against when I'm the victim and was forced into this because of what they was and still is doing to me.I can't get my cholesterol medicine I was taking when I was in prison,Mevacor 20mg tablet,from Dr. Gregory a prison doctor.It was stopped 9/25/2003 and Exp:2/26/2004. And I was also given my cholesterol chart which reads,Cholesterol 204, NL less than 200
HDL Cholesterol 38 or greater than 40
LDL Cholesterol 144 or less than 130
Risk factor 5.4 Risk Factor 5
What happen to the whistle-blower like the Security Officer of Watergate and Moncia Lewinsky of the Bill Clinton scandal.They don't tell you,I guess they life is either taken or done like mind scrutinize.

WSAV TV 3 was given all of the proof since 2004 even that on watergate.And I was writing about watergate long before they made Deep Throat public.


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