Wednesday, April 12, 2006


9/11, The reason that I,m under attack is because the ones that caused 9/11 is in the government.And because they new that in the prison system I had investigated it in October of 2002 and found out who really had done it and that was also my pic month.So they refuse to let me out because of what had been found out.So they put on the street of Savannah that I got killed in the prison system,so I was told by my kids mom when I got out.And now they refuse to let me have anything so that I wouldn't be found out and couldn't prove anything as long as they kept me from having the computer.All because of the hideous crime that they have done in that prison.The mass grave was all a part of it,and they made it public but never had a follow up story.The crematory all never did they find out what happened to the people that owned it.Even the psychic centers was closed all because of the systems they was using and they all was around me.And I was being tortured because of what they had put in me food.And because of my insurance they thought that I was government and they wanted to know what was going on.They even bust out the undercover CIA lady because they had the computer.


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