Tuesday, April 04, 2006


This is becoming something that whitefolks are taking for a game.I'm in SRO ( Single Room Occupancy)and they see through my eyes because the original computer which was sent to Coffee County Prison.And they can't get it out from the people that are trap there because of the radiation.I can't have a social life because they are stopping me from having over night guess now .They are trying to surround me with whitefolks where I am staying.This is a hate crime whitefolks can come near me.I can't work to move out,because I am disable and they refuse to pay social security.I have been denied three time,by the State of Georgia, not by the federal government.They are begining to look like what they call themself,"THE UNITIED STATES OF ATLANTA".This is there crime and they are messing with my life.I don't have the money to have cable turned on, but I had it when I first got there and it was suppose to cost $39.99 dollars a month.But when the first month bill came it was over $150.00 dollars.They are paying my rent and giving me foodstamps, now for two years.They see through my eyes and is causing me a problem with everything I do and my work record proves it by them using Lloyd Paige on them and it is also incomplete . I've worked alot of places that they don't have there like Sercurity Force , Pinkerton Sercurity all of Savannah and Gazette Telegrah in Colorado Springs, Colorado.My name has been Jamal Saleem Faatih since 1976 I don't use Lloyd Paige because I changed it for religious reasons.I can't do nothing and the public is allowing the government to do what the ham sam they want to do.Then if they can do this to me .Then who the Hell are they going to do it to nex? It can just as easily be you.I am tried of being messed around by the power of whitefolks.I don't give a Uncle Sam who got to go down because of this you monkeysuckers are going to piss me off to the point I will have to kill some of you buzzards just to prove to you I'm not the one to mess with.And don't mine doing time for you..Push my button!I'M HUMAN TOO. NEW CONTACT NUMBER(912)323-7257


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