Friday, June 23, 2006


I keep beening mess with by the government and the public is just sitting back and letting it happen.Where is the NAACP they don't have a voice any more.Black people are really suffering to today at the hand of white power.I have been writing this website for two years now.And seems to be getting nowhere.And still have Five years of written proof that no one would even checkout.What is happen to this county is disgracefully have been reinstated for foodstamps since 7/06 until 12/06.that means to me that they just don't plan to pay.And I according to the state on the letter of approval my living arrangement is still classified as HOMELESS.And Section 8 Program,require the Housing Authority of Savannah to redetermine my eligibility for continued housing assistance for another year as of June 8,2006 is still pending,and I'm waiting for the approval from if that happens they don't plan to pay and is just going to steal all of my ideas.I don't have food in my house right now for trying to help a female friend in which is on drugs crack cocaine and can't get help.They did the crime and I have proven it but I'm doing hard time in the street for their crime.Injustice is nobody but us.(The MEEK.)


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