Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I started this story in June of two thousand four telling everyone that there was crimials in the government.Go to June 2004 and reread the story.Or read Watergate the Story from the government for yourself and you will see that alot is missing,it was done that way so that the public wouldn't understand what was truly going on. How can you impeach a man (President Nixon when he had Vice President Ford pardon him.In other words he pardon himself.We need to boycott the Georgia State Governor's election.Because what I have been telling you is now being proven in there campaign ad.They have been telling you that these people are crimials.And the thing that they say about Mark Taylor can be proven.He is using prison labor in the prison system at Central State Prison,they have a tee shirt factory there that use the inmates without pay and the tee shirts and Long Johns are being made for some public company.And is not used for prison inmates at all,because they can't make any mistake in making them.These crimials that are in both governments are identity thieves.
And they have been doing it exspecially in Georgia and getting into the government through the private prison until it has become infested with them."This is what President Nixon meant when they called it Watergate.That there is a gate open to the government and the crimials are flowing through it like water,but he was not a crook. And they are in every avenue of the goverment. They used the Hotel Watergate to throw the public off. What Watergate was about a burglary?Then what was they burglarizing for?It was never told.So it wasn't about burglary.And these crimials has been playing games with the public by changing government and causing this to keep being investigated.Because the people that I have been dealing with in government when this first started was taken out of government.I've went through Roy Barnes, Sonny Perdue And now they are trying to get Mark Taylor and almost eight years of President George W. Bush, this has got to stop before anyone can get in the governments again.My life is in limbo.Remember the pay-off (read April 13,2006,entitled Tax Payer's Dollars ) Gov.Sonny Perdue give the checks out on public TV.Mark Taylor said himself that he has be Lt.Gov.for eight years,so he had to have been Gov.Barns Lt.Gov. So who elected him with Sonny Perdue.There was no Lt. Gov. on the ballot with Sonny Perdue and they got to be elected.We must Boycott the Election until they come clean with this,they are taking advantage of black people because the crimials are in power.I Can't be touched,I have been violated so much until I have been given Diplomatic Immunity .(Read June 21,2006,Entitled A Threat to the President George W. Bush.


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