Monday, August 07, 2006


This is bascially the way that I am having to deal with this ignorance.Now I don't take the antidepressant medication Zoloft.Because in the Patient Information Leaflet warning and I have been experiencing decreased sexual ability. But it is the only one for depression that Urban Health Center have that is free to give.Now this is the whole of the POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS :

SIDE EFFECTS that may occur while taking this medicine include nausea,dry mouth,increased sweating, drowsiness, diarrhea,or upset stomach.If they continue or are bothersome,check with your doctor.(check with your doctor as soon as possible)if you experience uncontrollable shaking (tremor), loss of appetite,unusal weight loss, decreased interest in sex,or decreased sexual ability.(CONTRACT YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY)if you experience unusual or rapid weight gain, seizures,severe nervousness or anxiety,agitation, panic attacks , difficulty sleeping,feelings of irritability or hostility, impulsive behavior or other unusual changes in behavior, severe restlessness,worsening feelings of depression, thoughts of hurting yourself, or any other mental or mood changes.(FOR MEN:) In the unlikely event you experience a painful or prolonged erection, seek immediate medical attention or permanent problems could occur.(AN ALLERGIC REACTION) to this medicine is unlikely but seek immediate medical attention if it occurs.Symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, itching, swelling, dizziness, or trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor,nurse, or pharmacist.

This medicine maybe the cause of why teenage kids are robbing and doing other crimes so much today and adults as well.this medicine isn't suppose to be on the market neither is Prosac.And they are both being given away as (FREE).And Lawyers are on TV, telling you if you are taking these drug you maybe able to sue.


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