Tuesday, October 25, 2005

State Of Georgia

They have money to give away. Giant checks ! Where did the money come from? It looks like a payoff to me with my money since it is no longer in Bank Of America.They give out that money right after my money for being violated became missing. And the police department recieved three million of those dollars,that they plan to by computers and they don't even know what they will do with the rest.Sounds like a payoff to me.And than after they did that claim that because they took the gas tax off of the gas to lower the gas they are seventy million dollar at a lost. how can you give away money to people without a cause and than claim to be at a lost.
Something in the pot ain't clean.Oh Where, Oh Where ,Can The Violator Money Be .Oh Where,Oh Where,Can it be. ( In The State of Georgia's Account.)


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