Wednesday, September 14, 2005


An act like this is UNAMERICAN.
No one should have to suffer for the crime of another,especially when it's the government.And the public take side with the government not knowing the seriousness of the crime or what is really involve.To commit a crime against another humanbeing after you have killed masses of people and make the grave site public but not the person who told you about it is unjust ,(unamerican).I have pasted out flier of this website yesterday to the United States Custom Building on Bay Street and Bull.Also it was placed at the Federal Court House on Bull Street at the old Postoffice.And the Chamber of Commerce on Bay Street.And they are on my back with this system watching everything I do.And this system has direct contact to the President,so what is going on when they have my invention and the oil I have found.And now the money was not in computer at the Bank.This system that is on me only I can hear and they talk to me in thin air,while they see though my eyes.And it is because of Hate that I'm being treated this wayand because of the money and what my system does.


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