Friday, September 09, 2005


All that I have done the things that I have invented are looking to be invain.No boby have the guts to face me.I have been violated just that much.Ever since 1999 I was first give prescription
medicine just for the asking.I serve nine month straight in segregation. I was slandered,They have cost me my marriage of twentythree years.They have been trying to make me a mental patient since 1999 up until now.I can't get driver's license to drive a car.The money have been removed from the bank.I can't get a lawyer.And I'm beening torched from the system that is on me and American Civil Liberty Union has proven that.Everybody isa watching and no one will face me.IT IS A COWARDLY ACT; AND EVERYONE IS A PART OF IT.WE NEED TO BRING THE BRAVE BACK HOME AND GET RID OF THE COWARDS


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