Thursday, October 13, 2005


We are messed up with the CIA.We have been manipulated by the CIA.They have been using the President's voice to manipulate us in believing that this is waiting on the President to investigate but it's not the President that they are talking too. It's the CIA talking in the President's voice with their systems.Alot of thing that you have seen on TV with the President there and you here his voice but he isn't talking directly to the public is not the President himself but the CIA manipulation.If you watch the new show last night on CBS at 8:00pm if would prove what the CIA can do.The show was named E-Ring.And that is what is causing all the problems with me and my family.The have locked-up my brother Edward Miller,one of my sons Jamal Brightwell which name is on this web and a cousin Benjamin McIver.And I have some family members that have nine people living in a one bedroom house because they are unable to get a job and because they don't have a record and can't even get a social security card,that are in this same house.I can't conceive what the others that don't have a record may be going through. It's about one hundred and twenty-seven of them.

And this was entered 10/17/05.

Sheriff Dorsey of Atlanta is not a murder.Why would you kill someone that is running against you?That dosen't warrant you to win the election.He was also framed like the others.


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