Monday, October 03, 2005

Guess I'll Have To Work

Guess I'll have to work for a living since the crimials in all the governments refuse to do nothing but commit crimes again me.And they say that blacks need to have more abortions,they made that statement on the national new by a US government official. We all can see who the real crimials are now.They are the ones that are being paid with our tax dollars.And call themself lawmakers, more like lawbreaker alot of people well now agree.
Well hopefully Home Depot will give me a job since the government owns that. Even though I have invention on this web,they are leaving me to be a slave.Now that crimial enough don't you think.
Anyone that need someone to be their slave call (912)631-6056.
And you might get a Yes, Sir Boss. We ain't gonna be your slave anymore.


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