Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Former Gov.Roy Barnes

Former Gov. Roy Barnes is why I can't get anything done,and the reason that I'm still got this system on me and being torchered by it. Because of the letter that I wrote to him in prison and never received a letter from him to answer me,dated January 28, 2002.That is right here on this website, click on February and read the letter sent to him.that is the reason for me to max out in the prison system and is keep me prisoner in Georgia. he left office with that letter and put Buddy Nix the head of the G.B.I as head of the parole Board to keep up with what I was writing in the State. The Stae of Georgia has been the one that denied me my social security disablity to protect Roy Barnes because of his investment into Coffee County prison and the private prison industry. And now he is running the government from the outside because Gov. Sonny Purdue was never inaugrated so that makes Gov. Sonny Purdue only the sitting Governor.And because of that I can't get no lawyer because I'm black and he is white and in this city of Savannah there is no black lawyers that can handle a case like this and that is also how the money was moved because the check was given to him by President George W.Bush November 2002 And the system told me that.It came to those people September 2002 .The same month which was suppose to be my PIC month to get out.


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