Wednesday, October 12, 2005


This is about what is really happening in America in this day and time.It seems as if the law is not for the law abiding citizens anymore. What's wrong is right and what's right is wrong. We are trying to correct problems by hiding the truth. WE ARE REVERSING THE LAW.


Martha Stewart;
What is this county coming too,when the criminals are made to look right and the law abiding citizens are made to look wrong.You have people that have been accused of crimes that they hadn't done and can't get any television air time to tell their story.And are being shinghided because those that wasn't found guilt is found guilt by the media.Because justice which should be blind can see to judge unjustly because of the color of power (WHITE) and GREEN all mighty dollar.
Martha Stewart is a criminal proven by a court of law, but have come out of prison a bigger star than she was.And is laughing at the law as if to say,you have made me bigger and better because the criminal won. And also said that she wish they would let her keep her leg bracelet. What a mockery of the law.But people like O.J. Simpson and Micheal Jackson who was proven innocent by a court jury can't get any air time because the people most of them white and some blacks to that or blind to the true see them as guilty because of the white people that they was accured of and the media. We all know what that's about ,it not like we haven't seen it happen before.
This county is still living in the past. Just Us is not justice for all.
Will there ever come a time? When justice will be equal for all.
And will there ever come a time? That we will be able to see each other as human beings and not as people of different color . We are all one race the human race and the only thing that makes us different is our nationality.But we are still all the same.

And now the criminal seem to have won again they stole the money and would have gotten away. And because of Hate they would rather them (the Haters ) to have it then me.Thank the universal power for miracles.(Read March 5, 2007 Entitled Guilty By Prejudice, Innocent By Law)


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