For a people that owns everything,there is no reason for them to hate against a people that is trying to have a little something. Especially when most of the hate is toward black people.We have treated whites good here in America , ever since they brought us here and we still forgive and treat them right. Even though as their history speaks of how they treated us westill don't hate them today we just try to keep our distance. Because for over four hundred and fifty years they haven't changed. They pretend that they are not haters but when made angry it comes out. We have been loyal to them even doing slavery. We cook their food then and is cooking their food today.We have raised their kids,clean their house while they are busy with their career.We are your biggest consumer everything you put out we buy especially when it came to your designer jeans,pocket book,shoes,ect. But we live in run down shacks with mortgage payments for rent of about three hundred dollars for a one room apartment without air.The 60's boycott prove that anytime we wish ,we have the power to close you down but instead we are sitting back doing not. All because we have suffered so long to the point that we look to alcohol,drugs as a solution to our problems. If you can't take pressure with a sober head you will never solve your problem. Our blood,sweat and tears is what built this county. But yet we are hated against and you have no reason to hate and we have all the reasons to hate but we don't. And you want to call us a Niggar. For one, you know what the true meaning of the word Niggar is because you had it in the dictionary and you changed it back to mean a black person when it is not. But the true meaning of the word Niggar is ignorant. First of all why would it mean a black person, because of the color of their skin, if that is so then everything that is black would be called Niggar. That proves that to be untrue. Okay now yet look at the real reason why you call black people Niggar.
Fourhundred and some-ort years ago there was a ship that sailed out to find to find a new land.The Captain of that vessel name was Christopher Columbus and the motor that powered that ship was stolen black slaves. Christopher was a navigator and maritime explorer.I believe that the year was 1492 that he set out to find a new land and he landed in a county that was already occupied by Indains in which we call the natives of this county which is America. So how could he have discovered America when people was are ready here. Oh I guess nothing exists until whitefolks said that it does. I think that is what they are saying today right here in Georgia in unincorperated small towns ,we will annex is the word.
Back to the story , where was I,oh yea Christopher was a liar. He didn't discoveryAmerica it was only unknown to him the Indains are the ones the land belongs too. Something just hit me ,that means you stole this land from the Indains. Maybe that's what you mean when you say this land belongs to me and you. HOW! And back to the reason why you call us Niggar ,this is getting good. Turn your computers off this is something them there whitefolks, don't want to hear.
We are call Niggar because of what they did to us when ole Christopher brought us here to build America. They first killed off all of the older ones that would be able to tell us of our past history.Then they force to except their name and not use the name that we called ourself in our homeland anymore. Next they stripped us of our language and they still try do that today,our knowledge of self and they even try to take away our pride and say that we was less than a human being. No other human being has been done this way not even the Jews so that makes us the meek (humbly patient) and the meek shall inherit the earth ,that is what the Bible said.