Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Does that sound familiar? I heard Senator Hillary Clinton say that of herself. But do you think that she was talking of herself or the other guy which is me? What does common sense tell you?(Read Feburary 10,2006 Entitled These People in the United states Senate have been E-Mailed this Website)
And now in return I shall let them know what is going on. Police Chief Michael Berkow was given my website hand delivered along with proof of what I have documented from government as of January 6, 2007.And I didn't put it on the web when I give it to his secretary so that they couldn't counteract what I was doing as they did before because of them reading my web.(Read March 29, 2006 Entited Necessity has come Courtesy of Persident George W. Bush) also (August 19,2006 Entitled Necessity Came).
So by now I hope for the sake of Savannah Police Department that they have investigated and have enough information to have a case against the State of Georgia ,but I haven't heard from them yet. And for those that want to know what Senator Hillary Clinton meant when she said evil and bad men, this is what she was talking about misinterpreted.This is the way that they communicate to me in the government through television.(Now read August 16,2006 Entitled Evil or What?).


Disguise your voice and protect your identity with our new voice changing phone.

This is the type of phone that was used to hold my people voices when I was in prison and they can talk back to anyone useing the voice that last called.
This can be seen on www.spylife.com or go to google and put in SPYLIFE.

Friday, January 12, 2007


Narrowing it down to the source.My life has been on hold for seven years as of January 5, 1999.(Read January 21,2006 Entitled The State of Georgia Has Proven Themself To Be Criminal).I have been deliberately denied any financial or legal help all because of what they didn't know was keeping this system on me and why. Well I have figured it out and what made me do that is because of it leaving when I went to Augusta Georgia from Coffee County Prison the first time .And again when it left I was transfered from Wheeler prison to go to D-Ray James Prison. It was all because of the roads that they traveled to get to their destination. And the roads that they used was back roads going into rural areas in which there are no television tower antenna.Because in rural areas they use the type of antenna that attached to the house. And because of the lack of that is why these system did'nt follow me to those places and also because of D-Ray James Prison being in a rural area the systems stayed off of me until Bell Phone Company had the mirowave put on television antennas in that area. The mirowave that are on these television tower is what make these systems to be heard in thin air they are the big drum type things on the TV towers .And with what was put in my food at Coffee County Prison is why only I can hear it and be tortured . That was the reason AT&T broke up with Bell Phone Company in the 80's . And the purpose for the mirowaves in the first place was that when the Pyschic Center was called and that the mirowave being on the televison towers it would connect to each and every home and belonging to Bell Phone Company they would be able to read what you was think of.And because of the mirowaves being as low as they are on these television towers makes these system can only be heard at ground level .That is what they also used the blimp for to listen to it for. And because of these mirowave being on television tower is why no TV Network would make me public because Bell rents space on there towers. And that is also the reason the TV Network made fun of me on nation TV News and locally as well .(Read June 14, 2006 Entitled TO MIKE CIHLA @ WTOC 11).Nationally when they asked someone that they was interviewing. Do they think there would ever be a Trillionaire? And they all was hiding their investment into the Pyschic Center through the private prisons. That is why they paid people off and tried to make me a mental patient and hoped that because I wasn't going to get any money , medical insurance or driver's license. They could make my life hard because I would have to walk or ride a bike every place I go which would make it hard on my heart and cause me to have a heart attack. There is no reason for them not to give me my driver's license. (Read July 29,2005 Entitled Department of Public Safety: This is the letter sent to me in 1999).And they could cover it up because they made sure that I couldn't leave town because they ID you even at the bus station.So now knowing all of that.WHO IS THE MENTAL PATIENT.


You know it has been so many crimes commited against me in such a short period not even speaking about the one commited against black people in past generations and generations of today.But it seems that the color of skin is becoming a big issue in American politics.We are being called colored people and Negros like we were called back in the fifties and sixties when America was segregated. We are African American or black people just as they are European American or white people and they don't even call themself caucasain any more .And to call us by anything other than African American or black people is like refusing to except Muhammad Ali's name and still call him by his slave name Cassius Clay, as you have done in the past.It is an insult and in short you are still calling us Niggar when you use the word Negro there is no county on the planet that you can find black people being called Negro other than America ,so what county would they have come from to call that call us by that name. The people in politics have a problem in excepting who we really are they want to make us who they want us to be ,their slave. Niggar and Negro they both mean the same thing (IGORANT PEOPLE)MEANING LACKING IN KNOWLEDGE OF TRAINING; UNLEARNED: AN IGNORANT MAN. You only started calling us Negro because as you say it you can't Use the (N) word anymore so this became your slick way of still calling us NIGGAR.
( Read Feburary 28,2006 Entitled INJUSTICE IS JUST-US). (Read September 14,2005 Entitled UNAMERICAN).I believe that the only way to pay us back is to give us our Forty Acres and that old Army Mule. There is no use for a mule today and it would be impossible to give us all land at that quantity since the population of the so-called slave has grown to massive now that it was back doing the time we were so-called freed. So the best solution to the problem would be that every black child that want to go to college automatically goes to college free of all costs,you wouldn't need a scholarship or anything it would become all expense paid. It is better to have an education than to have something that is material. What you know can't be taken from you ,but what you have are own of material can.Educate yourself and the material you will have and more,but always put G-D first in everything you do.


First I will start this off by wish myself HAPPY 54TH BIRTHDAY JANUARY 12, 2007

It is because of the Pyschic Centers that my life is on hold. The reason is,is because of these people that they have in the dungeon at Coffee County Prison and they ability to read mind. Is why they was hiding them to find out what use they could be to them in making money. That is when the CIA decided to use them for the purpose of reading minds for the Pyschic Center so the main base for the Pyschic Center was loctated at Coffee County Prison in the dungeon.That is why the all of CCA prison are owned by the CIA. And they closed the Pyschic Center some time after I left Coffee County Prison and they followed me to Wheeler County Prison with those system on me because they believed that I knew what was going on. But I didn't and someone convinced them that I don't, in their own words they said,"He don't know Diddley." So when I left Wheeler and went to D-Ray James Prison the systems left off of me for about a year. And then while being at D-Ray James Prison I read in the news paper that CCA was going to buy D-Ray James and that is when to systems was placed back on me after they had found out that,that is where they had sent me and these systems have been on me ever since and it is the reason why no one has ever talked to me then or now.They can't get the system off of me and they know it because I wrote about it in 2005.(Read Feburary 23, 05 Entitled What's Going On).(Read April 11,2005 Entitled The Conspiracy)(Read June 28, 2005 Entitled I've Tried the Law and the Public.)(Read July 7,2005 Entitled The Conspirators Are, And the way it is;)
The CIA owned those prison and the Pyschic Centers and they the CIA was useing Al-Qaeda money to finance the Pyschic Center because they was hiding Al-Qaeda in the dungeon as well.(Read November 13, 2005 Entitled The Conclusion) And they closed the Pyschic Center and put those systems on me and when I was taken from D-Ray James to Augusta Medical Prison Hospital. And they Augusta wouldn't let them get me back at D-Ray James and because of that is when they cause 9/11. I saw it when it happen at that hospital it was revegeance against the government by CIA.And they had everyone involved into the Pyschic Center messed up because of their involvement by useing black people and whites people to promote it and invest into it, like Dianne Warwick and other stars and the media as well. That is why I'm being hated against when the hate should be directed at the CIA. They are the ones that did this to you and I'm just the one telling the story because they got my life on hold. They are useing my son Jamal Saleem Brightwell and cousin Benjamin Mc Iver in prison or jail somewhere and they can't communicate with the outside world and that's been going on for a year now. They can't do nothing to me so they try to use my people against me. But they are protected to by my system as well.The CIA was to be covering it in Washington, DC and The GBI was covering it in Georgia so that it wouldn't be known about me or those prisons. That is why the answer to the certified letters to the President is a fraud both of them on my web. Because it was printed on 2002 paper, I have the original letters. You hold it up to the light and you can see the imprint.(Read July 15, 2005 Entitled The Answer to the Certified Letter to the President)and( Read July 15, 2005 entitled The answer for the U.S. Department of Justice from the same Letter).That is why The President made it public that the CIA was under investigation.And they used the black woman that made commericals speaking with a Jamaican accent to close it, The Pyschic Center. Knowing that those system speaks in other people voices. Milimili the two singer prove that, they was useing those systems too.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


For a people that owns everything,there is no reason for them to hate against a people that is trying to have a little something. Especially when most of the hate is toward black people.We have treated whites good here in America , ever since they brought us here and we still forgive and treat them right. Even though as their history speaks of how they treated us westill don't hate them today we just try to keep our distance. Because for over four hundred and fifty years they haven't changed. They pretend that they are not haters but when made angry it comes out. We have been loyal to them even doing slavery. We cook their food then and is cooking their food today.We have raised their kids,clean their house while they are busy with their career.We are your biggest consumer everything you put out we buy especially when it came to your designer jeans,pocket book,shoes,ect. But we live in run down shacks with mortgage payments for rent of about three hundred dollars for a one room apartment without air.The 60's boycott prove that anytime we wish ,we have the power to close you down but instead we are sitting back doing not. All because we have suffered so long to the point that we look to alcohol,drugs as a solution to our problems. If you can't take pressure with a sober head you will never solve your problem. Our blood,sweat and tears is what built this county. But yet we are hated against and you have no reason to hate and we have all the reasons to hate but we don't. And you want to call us a Niggar. For one, you know what the true meaning of the word Niggar is because you had it in the dictionary and you changed it back to mean a black person when it is not. But the true meaning of the word Niggar is ignorant. First of all why would it mean a black person, because of the color of their skin, if that is so then everything that is black would be called Niggar. That proves that to be untrue. Okay now yet look at the real reason why you call black people Niggar.

Fourhundred and some-ort years ago there was a ship that sailed out to find to find a new land.The Captain of that vessel name was Christopher Columbus and the motor that powered that ship was stolen black slaves. Christopher was a navigator and maritime explorer.I believe that the year was 1492 that he set out to find a new land and he landed in a county that was already occupied by Indains in which we call the natives of this county which is America. So how could he have discovered America when people was are ready here. Oh I guess nothing exists until whitefolks said that it does. I think that is what they are saying today right here in Georgia in unincorperated small towns ,we will annex is the word.
Back to the story , where was I,oh yea Christopher was a liar. He didn't discoveryAmerica it was only unknown to him the Indains are the ones the land belongs too. Something just hit me ,that means you stole this land from the Indains. Maybe that's what you mean when you say this land belongs to me and you. HOW! And back to the reason why you call us Niggar ,this is getting good. Turn your computers off this is something them there whitefolks, don't want to hear.
We are call Niggar because of what they did to us when ole Christopher brought us here to build America. They first killed off all of the older ones that would be able to tell us of our past history.Then they force to except their name and not use the name that we called ourself in our homeland anymore. Next they stripped us of our language and they still try do that today,our knowledge of self and they even try to take away our pride and say that we was less than a human being. No other human being has been done this way not even the Jews so that makes us the meek (humbly patient) and the meek shall inherit the earth ,that is what the Bible said.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


This is the fourth day I had to go without foodstamps: It comes on my card every six of
each month. A hater doesn't use rational thinking (rational -meaning- having or exercising reason, sound judgement,or good sense),(common sense) they just act. And say after the fact, I thought. That is past tense after the past. Read Bowing to the Devil @


I have finally been given my foodstamps again.
All Praises due to G-D

Monday, January 08, 2007


I have went to see my case worker this morning about my foodstamps and was told to just keep waiting day after day to see if it comes.Now that is proof enough to see that they are starving me to death,I have nothing No Money ,No Insurance, No Help and Now No Food.White America is against me.(Read September 26,2006 Entitled Only Whites Can Have) And now you know why all that has happened from 9/11 on ,is because of what they don't want for a black man to have when it's all his money and ideas..I am beening electronically monitored by the Federal government and has been all of my life because of the Insurance.( Read June 30, 2006 Entitled The Most Powerfulest Insurance in the World).What was going on is that the people that are around me with those system are the people that they protrayed in the true movie of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. They are radiated because of the radiation shot they took . They are the mass murders.They was never to be mess with or know of .Because of them being radiated they could never stand trial .So they was kidnapped by the criminals in governement and the dungeon at that prison was built to hide them in. Because they thought they could do something with them. In which that is what created the Psychic Centers because of these people being able to read minds, because of them being radiated. And that is why they all was closed after I wrote to the President.In hopes that it would never be found out what happened to them.And in that dungeon they was keep in orange cells which I saw in the halogram and that is why I was under attack ever since. They got out of those cell because the power went out in that prison when I was in the dormitory before I went to segregation and they couldn't get them back in. That is why D.R. Hamon give me his cell phone number and told me where ever I go the prison system just tell them my name and I would be alright,because everybody knew who he was in the prison system. And now I'm being hated against because of it. This is why Watergate happen everyone was apart of it.And not really knowing what IT, was all about. That is why Watergate made no sense. It has destoryed everybody but it had to be done.

Saturday, January 06, 2007


I can't believe that the public is setting back reading this and letting the State of Georgia get away with this. What I am fighting from is so this don't happen to anyone else. Now my food stamps is suppose to be on my foodstamp card today the 6th of each month in which it is not .When I went to recertify for fooodstamps they had moved my case worker Mr. Brisbane to ETC the Empolyment and Training Center on 711 East Broad Street this is not a State government building. And he saw that something was worry in his computer so he keep the recertification letter this is the exact letter.(September 22,2006 Entitled Foodstamp Verification). So now they are trying to starve me to death. This is another attemp on my life and if everyone is going to set back and let them get away with it, then they too are no better than them. Now with no money ,no food to eat I guess this is not enough to justify committing a crime. Byt still i'm not going to give you that glory. See this is what the black man faces in white America. The war that they claim to be fighting so that we can keep our freedom, is only so that whites can keep their freedom, blacks in America has never been free. The late James Brown told you, "Blacks will never be free in America".