It really is sad that people who call themselves intelligent human beings would treat another human so cruel and unjust,when justice is blind and can't see the color of skin. But in American society people are being judged by the color of there skin,when it should be contents of their character.Wake-Up people we are living in the twenty-first century.But we are acting as if we got lost in time and is living in the stone age.The proof that I have given speaks for it's self.For the last two and ahalf years I have been living at SRO and the first year I had to pay my rent without having any income, fifty dollars a month I had to pay. And they knew that I didn't have any income because my firends was their to verify that they would pay my rent of fifty dollars and they also paid my deposit at that time.So now that they Housing Authority of Savannah pays all of my rent they refuse to send me a letter for last year or this year verifing that they do pay my whole rent.And I told the H.A.P Inspector W.Thomas Chamberlain 235-5813 Ext.224 in which I called him this morning about it but I only got his answering machine ,and is waiting for him to return my call.The only thing that I did get from them last year was a print out .I had to get proof that they paid my rent for Curtis Cooper Health in order to file for Medicaid and this is what was put on it.
To Whom It May Concern:
The Housing Authority of Savannah pay all of Mr. Faatih's Rent.
S. Lynn Mobley
Section 8 Manager
235-58844,Ext 109
This is frustrating to leave someone life open for games.For fear of man they are afraid to even talk to me.It is a cowardly act.I have the orginal Last Will and Testament that my Uncle made Raymond Smith.But if I was to try and borrow money against the home they wouldn't even let me do that. But they tell lies against me to make me look as if I'm the evil one when from the proof hear the truth speaks for it's self who the evil ones are ,I don't have to falsify it.I have been getting Food Stamps now for two years starting in January 2004 and I'm still getting it. (So read for yourself the proof of the evil ones. (Sept.21,2005 Entitled Section/8 HUD)
(February 13,2006 Entitled The Suit to get in Housing).(February 13,2006 Entitled Paperwork) (April 04, 2006 Entitled Enough is Enough) (June 12, 2006 Entitled Imprison in Georgia.)
I can nolonger ride my bike because I need a back rim and I have no money to get one so as I started in the begining I'm back to walking.
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