Tuesday, May 15, 2007


March 9, 2006
This city is in trouble if all they can find for the rookies to do is stop people on bicycles for not having a light.This is the only city that do that,not even a small town like Brunswick Ga.There are cars riding around town with one light out,no rear view mirror and alot of other violation that can be enforced. Me, myself I can't afford to pay my rent,the bike I ride was brought for me by B&J Personal Care Homes.So how can I possiblily afford a light for a bike?This happen a the corner of Park Ave.& Atlantic,Time 7:55PM.I lost my Ga.ID so I had to use my prison ID in the name of Lloyd Paige.And they can only get limited information on the background and AKA Jamal Faatih.People don't understand that people who mostly ride bikes or homeless or can't get driver's license for one reason or another.Not that they be wanting to ride a bike it just that what ever maybe the reason they don't have a choice.This is a necessity other than having to walk for these peolpe.If I had a fancy car and because I'm black it would be the same way.Whitefolks mentality is that blacks are not suppose to have anything good unless they are doing some kind of crime to get it. Drive through Forsythe Georgia you'll see you will get stopped just as sure as hell.When will it all stop?My standard of living is lower than a homeless person and yet I'm homeless and still trying to help anyone I can with what I got while everyone else is reading this and keeping silent.Because of this being a white crime.If it was white on white as Watergate and the Clinton scandal they would have made the President pay long time ago.But since it is Black vs White we have a "RULE OF DIFFERENCE".There is a rule of difference when there are people who do crime out of necessity from those who do crime because they have money.And the poor are the one that suffer because they do it out of necessity because we (society)think that there is no need for people to do crime.What would you do if you was in a situation like mine?Mine is known ,but there are others that are not and no one want to listen to no one else problem.Now tonight on the National News CBS they are talking about the world's riches people.Ain't nobody's business how much money anyone has. You can't call a bank and be given the amount of money no one has. But they would disclose how much money they are paying you in sports and they do this only to blacks. Make you don't want to have money don't it? I lie there! But that is the way they want us to think. But on the real side people shouldn't be wanting to be known for the how much money they have,because you can't take it with you.It what you do with the money that you have you should want to be known for.Because giving is a blessing and a blessing you can take with you when you die.Money will stay right here.PEACE:
May 15,2007
I don't know if you checked out the date of when this was written but look at the top and you will see. Now this in blue is something I'm writing today because they are still bicycle ,Cop-in. I was stopped today on my bike because I didn't stop for a "STOP" sign at the corner of Atlantic & Hamalton Ct. at 11:25 AM by APD D. Capps PR#00207 Div.P-3. Is it me or is it crazy for them to to give you a ticket to pay or go to court for a non licensed vehicle. I think to do this is robbing the public. There is no law that you can break on a bicycle if the law don't requirer a license for it. You can only give safety warning. They have even gone on people property and put a ticket on cars parked on private property and these car move everyday. They are saying that you can't park your car on your own property. That would be up to the home owner not the City of Savannah it's not on City property. They are wasting taxpayers money it take about four sheets of paper to write just one ticket. Why are they wasting our money writing ticket on bikes when there are more serious crimes going that they can't even solve? They should be working on that.


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