Ask not what your country can do for you ask what,you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy said what he would do and did what he said.
What is Honorable?
The Dictionary definition is:
1. in accordance with or characterized by principles of honor; upright:
2. of high rank, dignity, or distinction; noble, illustrious, or distinuished.
3. worthy of honor and high respect; estimable; creditable.
4. bringing honor or credit; consistent with honor:
A. (used as a title of respect for certain ranking government officals)
This whole thing was Huge bigger than Howard was. It started back with the assassination of John F. Kennedy .The criminal grew in government from that time on because no one could find out who they was or what they had done until now. Time changes all things. That which is unknown becomes know in time. As it is said,what you do in the dark will come to the light.
Well after the assassination of John F. Kennedy then it was the assassination Bobby Kennedy, than Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Malclom X,. Then came Jimmmy Jones in which what the Senator was told couldn't reach at that time President Richard Nixon because they kill the Senator. So the warning that was to be told never made it. What it was all about was that there would be prisons built that would become Trojan Horses. Than came The Watergate Scandal in which they had covered up the same satuation because of these poeple being in than the only private prison in Texas. They took someone else through the same thing to keep them from being found out. So they broke into the Democatic office next to the Watergate Hotel and stopped the letter sent there from being found out that someone had written telling the story. And because they couldn't get the system off of the person it was on, they killed them. That is why they didn't want me touched by anyone no matter what I did. And to keep them busy in Washington DC they started Vietnam War then just as they started Iraq War this time with miss information. To keep them busy in Washington DC until they could fugure out away to get to me. Than it was The Contra Scandal in which they couldn't find out where Noriega disappeared too when he was in the U.S. He had disappeared into one of the private prison. And that is the reason that the prison was hiding terrorist in which caused 9/11. So all the criminals from the 60 up to present day had to be gotten that was cause a problem for the government.
And John F. Kennedy name is the one who signed and give me the insurance.
The State of Georgia:
They have gotten mad now that the truth has come out and they have been found out to be lying to everyone and they also are still are harboring those criminal in that so called closed prison. And now they have sent a cut-off note for for my female friend Angela Chaderton lights to be turned off May 1, 2007. She has a letter stating that they are going to not sent May check either. And has added the budget payment into it when it is not on the web to pay the budget payment. The bill is $80.00 for the month they want $170.00 she has been paying it all every month cause I am the one that takes it there in full. And they have also had my phone turned off so that no one can contact me. But if they need to they can call the manager at SRO at (912 )695-6822 he will get to me I still live there, 653-B East Duffy Street.And they had taken over Savannah Electric Company since last summer to do what they are doing to people. The State of Georgia is the one with my system.
Surah 2:44
44. Do ye enjoin right conduct on the people,
And forget (to practise it) yourselves.
And yet ye study the Scripture?
Will ye not understand.
Surah 4:79
79. Whatever good, (O man!)
Happens to thee, is from G-D;
But whatever evil happens
To thee, is from thy (own ) soul.
And We have sent thee
As a Messenger
To ( instruct ) mankind.
And enough is G-d
For a witness.
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