(Who ever got my system is the one that see through my eyes and is counteracting everything I do. That was the problem with this in the first place. That is the reason no one would talk to me or Answer my letters. They know who I call and who I have been writing. And the people that I have on this post that I called was called three weeks ago. My life is being wasted away day after day because of my system and what it does. That is the reason they have made the movie (NEXT).It tell the story of what you can do when you know what is going on before it happens

What kind of people are these? They would risk their career to protect the criminals. The people that was apart of those private prisons are not even from Georgia. They are from Missouri and Texas. They closed Coffee County Prison by removing the inmates but Georgia Central Intelligence is still there being ran from the dungeon of that prison. This is the reason they made Former Gov. Roy Barnes leave because of their plan to close the prison but not let me out of prison. So that they illegal operation of intelligence wouldn't be found out. This is what they was protecting because of the trouble they have caused from doing it. That is why
Cynthia McKinney said that they knew about 9/11 before it happen. They have cars outside of that prison but no inmates to make it look as if it was never closed. To keep their intelligence intact so that they can stay around me and mess with the people that I come in contact with. That is the reason they mess with my female friend check so that I wouldn't be able to pay for my phone. And no one would be able to contact me because they even is hiding my address. The library told me that there was an address on my library card. In hopes that they could get me put out as well. So much so that they had me put my bicycle and my lawn mowers all in my single room with me to make it look as if I wasn't living there. Now my female friend is just waiting to see if they would send her a letter about her check. Housing for her is waiting and so will the electric company cause that is her only income. And because of that they are even paying my phone ,because they have stopped the what she was doing to keep my phone paid and they see through my eyes. These people have been called in the State by me and given my web address,Governor Sonny Perdue (404)656-1776
Regina Thomas (404)463-7784
And in Savannah government---------Mayor Otis S. Johnson (912) 651-6444
It is time that the criminals pay for their crime and not let innocent people pay for what the criminal have done.I have been dealing with this for seven years , three months , twenty days and still counting. I done my time for what ever crime I didn't do. Whitefolk do the crime and black people do the time. It's just like the drugs on the street they bring it to us and we are the ones who neighborhood they come looking for it in. Only to find pity drugs and pity dealers and give us plenty of time. And who do we blame? The ones selling the drugs ,but never the ones bringing it in. And they claim that they are combating the war on drugs. They are helping it to flourish they don't deal with the source of the problem ,themself. The are messing with all the black websites.
Now all this time the money has been sitting in Bank of America and this bank handles the governmnet longshoreman's account.Since November 2002 delivered by the President himself George W. Bush.I like in a room with gasoline and eating sandwichs. I would have settled for my social security but they refuse to pay me that,I am disable. The want to put my female mail friend out because of paint peeling in the bathroom and they claim that it is a health hazard. But me living with gasoline isn't. I have automatically been E-Mailing my website to the President everytime I post a new post. and have been recieving a reply answer. But I can't get nothing but this electonic answer. We really have have a terrorist problem here in America and it caused by the people we elect in government.These people have made an unpresidented f---k up. And they are making me pay for what they have done. Than Black don't stand a chance in this county anymore. And the world will know it. They think that they can plan my life but I will never deal with whites anymore.
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