This practice is what is going on in America today.They are selling my ideas and not paying me a cent.They are using things from my computer and selling it.Like, .This came from my computer and they are selling it and advertising it. I saw a SUV jeep with the sign on it in front of The Mansion on Forthye. But how can you advertise something that don't even exist it's only a computer image.And the Hotel and underground parking garage at Ellis Square is also an idea of mine that came from my computer.They haven't sent my female friend Angela Chaderton her social security check this month as I said before that they said they wouldn't. And but the paperworks states that she is suppose to get her full check this month and a forty-four dollar one. But they only sent the forty-four dollar check. And now she can pay nothing still and everyone is wait on their money. She can't even get her medicine so she became depressed and admitted herself in the hospital because she was having suicidal thoughts.You have stopped her check to keep her out of governmnet and using falsified work records claiming that she work all last year and housing is the one that give her a copy and is checking it out.And you have my son still locked up when he is violated and have no record along with my cousin. You are using all these people because you can't get to me. And you think that you will still have power ,they ain't going to tell you but your power is gone. Great Britian told you on TV to pay up are loose your Embrassy card. What I am writing on this web blog is being witnessed around the world because it is the worldwideweb www . And because of what you have done the world will take your power and you know it. The same thing that cause Nelson Mandela to come into power. You don't hear about whitefolks in South Africa anymore. And that is the reason that you are doing what you are doing to me. But don't blame me, blame (The Whiteman).
They took the violation posters out of the postoffice before I got out to make people think that the governmnet has abolish that law. They even had American Civil Liberty the Prison Project writing that Congress was saying that ,(Read October 30, 2006 Entitled Right Before Your Eyes).
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