Friday, January 27, 2006


FEMMA,Is what the CIA was useing as a front. Because there is not a need for FEMA in a city like Savannah. It is suppose to be based in Atlanta.It's not Presidential power that needs to be fixed,it CIA power.Because they are in control of all communication,TV,Radio,911,zero the operator,the website, telephone,the mail and any other means of communication.They have been on a AM station here in Savannah talking about a person should get paid for their invention and they told what was going to be coming out of mine,and they new I was listening because they have the system.They was even useing a Blimp last year on River Street when I told the TV station that the government was living at West End on Hutcherson Island.They have even falsifed the President's Military records I'm sure everyone remembers. They cover themself with the prison CCA,FEMMA and even took over BET under the name of VIACOM.So the power of the CIA is what we are having a problem with and Fobres maybe a CIA since the systems came from his company that are on me and I'm being tortured by.


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