Friday, January 06, 2006

Cobra's Investigation of the Jennifer Ross Case:

I have investigated Jennifer Ross death .And found that the people that killed her was not black people , but was white people dressed up in black with masks on. And maybe the same three that tied -up the woman in Hinesville and stab her. And that they are government people that is the reason why they can't find out who did it.Because they didn't know who they were. Because no one knew who they were . Cobra can verify this.The investigative computer was made public in Altanta Georgia in December of 2002 when I was still in prison with this system around me as it still is.And when I got out it was made public here in Savannah by Crime Stopper on WTOC TV 11 late year but the name of it was never call here in Savannah.Now this is the address that that I believe that the computer is under ,but I not sure.
I believe that Jennifer Ross and the man that got killed on the cruise ship have something in common. They both was young and was killed for unknown reasons.
These people also had out on the street that I got killed in the prison system before I got out of prison,so I was told by friends. They are trying to make me look as if I have a mental problem and is a criminal,but I'm not.Because I got a background check from the Police Department that showed that I did,but when I went to the Courthouse here in Savannah where the crimes was tried there was not records. And the computer have also verified that these people, the killers was also at Jennifer Ross funeral.And they are all apart of this and is trying to cause hate so that the town would hate against me.This Government is the State of Georgia.


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