Friday, December 09, 2005

American Civil Liberty Union The Prison Project

This is the secord letter written to them after I wrote to them in November of 2001.This is the only way for me to keep my sanity since I'm just writing and have been writing and being torched as I write since 2001.I may not be a mental patient but the way I'm being treated I may end up one.This is insane.This is the letter to them dated January 12,2003.

Dear ACLU, The Prison Project:
My name is Lloyd Paige EF 409414.I wrote to you in NoVember of 2001.About my mail being picked up from Macon Postoffice in Macon, Georgia,while I was in Central State Prison.I was placed on the Postoffice violation website and also the US Department of Corrections website since April 15,2002.I was never released from prison and I've been in prison for four years now as of January 5, 2003 for Habitual Violation on a five sentence which isn't even a felon.I was driving not drinking.i was sent a grid sheet in Coffe County Prison 9/30/99 which is on my computer records before it was taken off the website,stating for me to do 90% of my time.Which I don't come under the 90% Board Resolution to do 90%.And since I've been writing about this Atlanta has even said that they was coming back on people that had the 90%.Atlanta Journal and Consitition paper back in June of 2002 proves it.I've been serving time on partial prison records since August of 2001. And when I got to this prison Atlanta placed a computer print out in my records.Only to state what I was in the prison system for and the time I had.I have been writing them,Atlanta and the FBI. But atlanta would only send me letters telling me about more time because of the circumstances of my crime.This can be found on my grid sheet. I'm also a miollionaire which can be seen on my computer record,the Will that's thereor you can call the Longshoremans Association of Savannah.The FBI staated returning my letters unopened in September of 2002.And I writing to them and they all were returned even with the correct address.I wrote the postoffice here in Buford Ga. for an address to Attorney Johnny Coahran which I was never answered.I've been writing letters to Atlanta Parole Board and the Commissioner of Corrections,the FBI of Atlanta this Lawyer Attorney Howell W.Ragsdale Jr.of Atlanta.And Gov.Roy Barnes which left office and never answered two letters I wrote to him.For over a year I've been writing these people and haven't yet recieved an answer.Even the President of the Unied States was mailed two letters one dated January 11,2002 and December 16,2002.I don't have any outside communication.I don't know who else I can write.And there is not a max out date on the violation website and I should have been out since April 2002.If you would, please answer this letter.
In need of help
Lloyd Paige EF409414


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